Joan Jett Sings “Love is All Around,” the Theme Song from The Mary Tyler Moore Show

There’s lots of sturm und drang here in America–enough that we did­n’t get to pay our respects to Mary Tyler Moore, an icon of 1960s and 1970s tele­vi­sion.

Above, we give you our favorite trib­ute. Joan Jett per­form­ing a sweet rock­ing cov­er of “Love is All Around,” the orig­i­nal theme song from The Mary Tyler Moore Show. If you came of age dur­ing the 70s, you’ll sure­ly know the song.

Jet­t’s per­for­mance was record­ed on The Late Show With David Let­ter­man back in 1996.

Mary, you will be missed.

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  • Mr. Beer N. Hockey says:

    40 1/2 years ago I saw Ms. Jett and her knock­out band. Blew the fuck­ing doors off the hall that night. She was sweet 16 or there­abouts then. Did not appre­ci­ate that she would have as much of an impact on young women as Ms. Moore did in her day. Love you Joanie!

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