What do you need to make art? Why, art, of course: the works that have come before proÂvide inspiÂraÂtion, estabÂlish a traÂdiÂtion to folÂlow and expand, and now, in our digÂiÂtal age, even proÂvide the very mateÂriÂals to work with. The MetÂroÂpolÂiÂtan MuseÂum of Art has assured us that we should feel free to “use, remix, and share” their latÂest batch of 375,000 digÂiÂtized artÂworks of a variÂety of forms and from a variÂety of eras in any which way we like. In partÂnerÂship with CreÂative ComÂmons, they’ve released them all under the latÂter’s CC0, or “no rights reserved” license, which places them “as comÂpleteÂly as posÂsiÂble in the pubÂlic domain, so that othÂers may freely build upon, enhance and reuse the works for any purÂposÂes withÂout restricÂtion under copyÂright or dataÂbase law.”

But feaÂturÂing these sorts of projects often here on Open CulÂture, we know that a trove of art images, no matÂter how open, is only as good as its search tools. A new search tool comes newÂly develÂoped by CreÂative ComÂmons, and in fact they still describe it as “in beta,” but it shows promise as a means to, as proÂmotÂed, “explore this beauÂtiÂful colÂlecÂtion, creÂate conÂtent lists, share, colÂlabÂoÂrate, and learn.” You can get startÂed using it here, but if you want to focus specifÂiÂcalÂly on the conÂtents of the MetÂroÂpolÂiÂtan MuseÂum of Art colÂlecÂtion, make sure to uncheck the othÂer search options, which include the New York PubÂlic Library and the RijksmuÂseÂum. Or you can first have a look at three curatÂed galÂleries, one of masÂterÂpiece paintÂings, one of ImpresÂsionÂism and Post-ImpresÂsionÂism, and one “cabal of cats from the Met’s cabÂiÂnets, comÂpiled by the curiÂous curaÂtors of the colÂlecÂtion.”

You can also assemÂble and share galÂleries of your own, in just the way you might on othÂer image-oriÂentÂed social-media sites such as PinÂterÂest, which, along with WikiÂmeÂdia, ArtÂstor, and the DigÂiÂtal PubÂlic Library of AmerÂiÂca, also calls itself a partÂner in the Met’s broadÂer Open Access IniÂtiaÂtive, and which offers its own users the abilÂiÂty to search this digÂiÂtal colÂlecÂtion. (The Met has also creÂatÂed a pubÂlic GitHub reposÂiÂtoÂry.) And givÂen the ever-expandÂing breadth of the artÂworks already digÂiÂtized and made free, you’ll sureÂly find many you’re interÂestÂed in — but its real revÂoÂluÂtionÂary appeal lies in what you’ll find, and what you’ll do with, the art you don’t know you’re interÂestÂed in yet.
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Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities and culÂture. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer, the video series The City in CinÂeÂma, the crowdÂfundÂed jourÂnalÂism project Where Is the City of the Future?, and the Los AngeÂles Review of Books’ Korea Blog. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
Good site <3