It someÂhow escaped me. Alec BaldÂwin has a podÂcast. With 133 episodes in its archive, Here’s The Thing with Alec BaldÂwin (Web — iTunes — Feeds) feaÂtures “intiÂmate and honÂest conÂverÂsaÂtions” with “artists, polÂiÂcy makÂers and perÂformÂers – to hear their stoÂries, what inspires their creÂations, what deciÂsions changed their careers, and what relaÂtionÂships influÂenced their work.” Below, we’ve embedÂded his recent conÂverÂsaÂtion with PatÂti Smith. It’s quite good. But there are so many othÂers worth a menÂtion. Let me ratÂtle off a quick list: REM’s Michael Stipe, VigÂgo Mortensen, Michael PolÂlan, Amy Schumer and Judd ApaÂtow, William FriedÂkin, Paul Simon, Ira Glass, JerÂry SeinÂfeld, David Simon, RadioÂheadÂ’s Thom Yorke, Lena DunÂham, Peter FrampÂton, David LetÂterÂman, CarÂol BurÂnett, KrisÂten Wiig, SNL’s Lorne Michaels, and Chris Rock.
Click the links to stream each interÂview, and don’t miss BaldÂwin’s new memÂoir, NevÂerÂtheÂless. He hapÂpens to narÂrate the audioÂbook verÂsion, which you can downÂload for free if you sign up for Audible.com’s 30-day free triÂal. We have info on that here.
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