If You Could Spend Eternity with Your Ashes Pressed Into a Vinyl Record, What Album Would It Be?

In Feb­ru­ary, Ted Mills wrote about a new com­pa­ny–And Vinyly–which will press your ash­es into a playable vinyl record when your time even­tu­al­ly runs out. The basic ser­vice runs $4,000, and it gets you 30 copies of a record con­tain­ing your ash­es. The rub is that you can’t “use copy­right-pro­tect­ed music to fill up the 12 min­utes per side, so no ‘Free Bird’ or ‘We Are the Cham­pi­ons,’ unfor­tu­nate­ly.”

But it does raise the ques­tion, as I put on Twit­ter yes­ter­day… If you could head into eter­ni­ty pressed into a cher­ished album, which would you choose? This isn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly a what-record-would-you-take-to-a-desert­ed island sce­nario, tak­en to the nth degree. Mean­ing, it’s not nec­es­sar­i­ly a ques­tion of what record would you lis­ten to end­less­ly, for eter­ni­ty (although you could choose to make it that). Rather, the ques­tion might be: What album do you have a deep, abid­ing per­son­al con­nec­tion with? Which record cap­tures your spir­it? And, when thrown on the turntable, can keep you son­i­cal­ly in this world?

My pick, Abbey Road. “Come Togeth­er” has a bit of anti-estab­lish­ment bite. “Here Comes the Sun” and “Some­thing” tap into some­thing emo­tion­al and nos­tal­gia-induc­ing for me. And, oh, that med­ley on Side 2! Just click play any time.

Your picks? Please add them to the com­ments below.

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