A New 2‑In‑1 Illustrated Edition of Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? & A Scanner Darkly

FYI: Illus­tra­tors Chris Skin­ner and Andrew Archer present a new illus­trat­ed edi­tion of two Philip K. Dick­’s nov­els, Do Androids Dream of Elec­tric Sheep? & A Scan­ner Dark­ly. And it comes in a great for­mat. Read one nov­el, then flip the book upside down and enter the next altered real­i­ty.

The 2‑in‑1 book is only avail­able through the Folio Soci­ety web­site.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Hear VALIS, an Opera Based on Philip K. Dick’s Meta­phys­i­cal Nov­el

Philip K. Dick Takes You Inside His Life-Chang­ing Mys­ti­cal Expe­ri­ence

Hear 6 Clas­sic Philip K. Dick Sto­ries Adapt­ed as Vin­tage Radio Plays

Philip K. Dick Makes Off-the-Wall Pre­dic­tions for the Future: Mars Colonies, Alien Virus­es & More (1981)

The Penul­ti­mate Truth About Philip K. Dick: Doc­u­men­tary Explores the Mys­te­ri­ous Uni­verse of PKD

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