Drone Footage Captures the US Postal Service Eerily Delivering Mail to Neighborhoods Razed by the California Fires

About 90 miles north of here, a series of fires, fanned by high winds, have destroyed 191,000 acres and left 31 peo­ple dead. In the town of San­ta Rosa alone, the fires con­sumed more than 2,800 homes overnight, turn­ing entire neigh­bor­hoods into cin­ders and ash. Cap­tured by a drone, the footage above shows the com­plete dev­as­ta­tion. It also adds a sur­re­al touch–the US Postal Ser­vice duti­ful­ly deliv­er­ing mail to emp­ty street address­es.

If you would like to assist with the relief effort (mon­e­tar­i­ly or oth­er­wise), please vis­it the San­ta Rosa Fire Depart­ment web­site.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.