“Goodnight Moon,” as Read to Neil deGrasse Tyson by LeVar Burton

Metafil­ter sets the stage for the cute, new­ly mint­ed video above:

At 1:00pm on May 17th, 2017, Neil deGrasse Tyson tweet­ed that he occa­sion­al­ly longed for some­one to read Good Night Moon to him as he falls asleep. Six min­utes lat­er, LeVar Bur­ton tweet­ed “I got you… Let’s do this!” And do it they did.

Some back­ground: LeVar Bur­ton host­ed the chil­dren’s TV show Read­ing Rain­bow for two decades, read­ing to chil­dren and encour­ag­ing them to read. His new pod­cast, LeVar Bur­ton Reads, is like Read­ing Rain­bow for adults. Neil deGrasse Tyson is a famous dancer yt /astrophysicist.

You can see Susan Saran­don read her own ver­sion. Find it in the Relat­eds below. Enjoy.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Susan Saran­don Reads an Ani­mat­ed Ver­sion of Good Night Moon … With­out Cry­ing

A Ter­ri­fy­ing Read­ing of the Sweet Children’s Sto­ry Good­night Moon

Good­night Kei­th Moon: “The Most Inap­pro­pri­ate Bed­time Sto­ry Ever”

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