FYI: If you sign up for a MasÂterÂClass course by clickÂing on the affilÂiÂate links in this post, Open CulÂture will receive a small fee that helps supÂport our operÂaÂtion.
If you’re lookÂing for a last minute gift for a thoughtÂful perÂson in your life, here’s one option to conÂsidÂer. MasÂterÂClass lets you elecÂtronÂiÂcalÂly purÂchase online courses and give them as gifts to famÂiÂly memÂbers and friends. For $90, you could give the gift of a sinÂgle course. (The recipÂiÂent gets to choose which parÂticÂuÂlar course they want to take.) Or, for $180, you can give the recipÂiÂent a year-long pass to every course in the MasÂterÂClass catÂaÂlogue. You can get startÂed with the gift-givÂing process here. And find a list of availÂable coursÂes below.
- Annie LeiÂbovitz TeachÂes PhoÂtogÂraÂphy
- GorÂdon RamÂsay TeachÂes CookÂing
- Frank Gehry TeachÂes ArchiÂtecÂture & Design
- Samuel JackÂson TeachÂes ActÂing
- Judy Blume TeachÂes WritÂing
- Steve MarÂtin TeachÂes ComÂeÂdy
- Jane Goodall TeachÂes ConÂserÂvaÂtion
- HerÂbie HanÂcock TeachÂes Jazz
- GarÂry KasÂparov TeachÂes Chess
- WernÂer HerÂzog TeachÂes FilmÂmakÂing
- Aaron Sorkin TeachÂes ScreenÂwritÂing
- David Mamet TeachÂes DraÂmatÂic WritÂing
- James PatÂterÂson TeachÂes WritÂing
- Hans ZimÂmer TeachÂes Film ScorÂing
- Thomas Keller TeachÂes CookÂing TechÂniques
- Stephen CurÂry TeachÂes ShootÂing, Ball-HanÂdling, ScorÂing
- ChristiÂna AguilÂera TeachÂes Singing
- Deadmau5 TeachÂes ElecÂtronÂic Music ProÂducÂtion
- ShonÂda Rhimes TeachÂes WritÂing for TeleÂviÂsion
- Marc Jacobs TeachÂes FashÂion Design
- UshÂer TeachÂes the Art of PerÂforÂmance
- SerÂeÂna Williams TeachÂes TenÂnis
- Reba McEnÂtire TeachÂes CounÂtry Music
See the full catÂaÂlog here.
Note: MasÂterÂClasss and Open CulÂture have a partÂnerÂship. If you sign up for a MasÂterÂClass course, it benÂeÂfits not just you and MasÂterÂClass. It benÂeÂfits Open CulÂture too. So conÂsidÂer it win-win-win.
If you would like to sign up for Open Culture’s free email newsletÂter, please find it here. It’s a great way to see our new posts, all bunÂdled in one email, each day.
If you would like to supÂport the misÂsion of Open CulÂture, conÂsidÂer makÂing a donaÂtion to our site. It’s hard to rely 100% on ads, and your conÂtriÂbuÂtions will help us conÂtinÂue proÂvidÂing the best free culÂturÂal and eduÂcaÂtionÂal mateÂriÂals to learnÂers everyÂwhere. You can conÂtribute through PayÂPal, PatreÂon, and VenÂmo (@openculture). Thanks!
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