Stephen Hawking’s Final Theory of the Cosmos Now Published & Available Online

Image by NASA, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

In the weeks before he died, Stephen Hawk­ing wrote what would be his final the­o­ry of the cos­mos. Co-writ­ten with Bel­gian physi­cist Thomas Her­tog, and now pub­lished in the Jour­nal of High Ener­gy Physics, “A smooth exit from eter­nal infla­tion?” asserts that “real­i­ty may be made up of mul­ti­ple uni­vers­es, but each one may not be so dif­fer­ent to our own.” Or so that’s how the the­o­ry gets trans­lat­ed into col­lo­qui­al Eng­lish by The Guardian. You can read an abstract of the the­o­ry here, or the com­plete pub­lished ver­sion here.

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