DurÂing the past month, the Great Big StoÂry has released a series of videos that revisÂit the design aesÂthetÂic of the Bauhaus moveÂment. Their first video explored the radÂiÂcal buildÂings designed by Bauhaus archiÂtects. A secÂond focused on the legaÂcy of minÂiÂmalÂist Bauhaus furÂniÂture. And now a third takes as its subÂject Oskar SchlemÂmer’s 1922 “TriÂadic Ballet”–a balÂlet famous for putting geomÂeÂtry and strucÂture into dance. The video above shows the “BayÂerisches Junior BalÂlet MĂĽnchen as they preÂpare to bring Bauhaus cenÂter stage again.” You can watch a full recreÂation of the balÂlet and learn much more about SchlemÂmer’s experÂiÂmenÂtal proÂducÂtion by readÂing this post from our archive.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
32,000+ Bauhaus Art Objects Made AvailÂable Online by HarÂvard MuseÂum WebÂsite
Bauhaus, ModÂernism & OthÂer Design MoveÂments Explained by New AniÂmatÂed Video Series
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