A Telecaster Made Out of 1200 Colored Pencils

A cou­ple weeks back, Burls Art dared to make a Stra­to­cast­er out of 1200 Cray­ola col­ored pen­cils. Now comes a Tele­cast­er-style gui­tar, which Fend­er first put into pro­duc­tion back in 1950. You can watch it get made, from start to fin­ish, in the 11-minute video above.

On a more seri­ous note, any­one inter­est­ed in the his­to­ry of the elec­tric guitar–particularly the Strat, Tele and Les Paul–should spend time with the new book by Ian S. Port, The Birth of Loud: Leo Fend­er, Les Paul, and the Gui­tar-Pio­neer­ing Rival­ry That Shaped Rock ‘n’ Roll. It offers a pret­ty rich and live­ly account of the inven­tors and instru­ments who cre­at­ed a new mod­ern sound. If inter­est­ed, you can get The Birth of Loud as a free audio­book if you sign up for Audible.com’s free tri­al pro­gram. Find details on that here.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

A Fend­er Stra­to­cast­er Made Out of 1200 Col­ored Pen­cils

Behold the First Elec­tric Gui­tar: The 1931 “Fry­ing Pan”

Bri­an May’s Home­made Gui­tar, Made From Old Tables, Bike and Motor­cy­cle Parts & More

Oxford Sci­en­tist Explains the Physics of Play­ing Elec­tric Gui­tar Solos

Repair­ing Willie Nelson’s Trig­ger: A Good Look at How a Luthi­er Gets America’s Most Icon­ic Gui­tar on the Road Again

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