Stream Free Online 200 Films from Tribeca Film Festivals

FYI: The Tribeca Film Fes­ti­val is get­ting under­way today. And to mark the occa­sion, Kanopy is show­cas­ing a line­up of 200 titles from past fes­ti­vals and let­ting you stream them free online. Kanopy writes:

Kanopy’s selec­tion of Tribeca Film Fes­ti­val titles includes recent fes­ti­val favorites The Lovers, star­ring Debra Winger (An Offi­cer and a Gen­tle­man) & Tra­cy Letts (Who’s Afraid of Vir­ginia Woolf?), and Back Roads star­ring Alex Pet­tyfer (Storm­break­er) and  Jen­nifer Mor­ri­son (House). A selec­tion of dynam­ic doc­u­men­taries such as Dior and I and Plan­et of Snail is avail­able along­side films with unfor­get­table female per­for­mances includ­ing Woman Walks Ahead, star­ring Jes­si­ca Chas­tain (Zero Dark Thir­ty) and Oscar-award win­ning short film The Phone Call, star­ring Sal­ly Hawkins (The Shape of Water). Sev­er­al Tribeca-win­ning films includ­ing the 2015 Best Direc­tor win­ner About Elly and the 2017 Audi­ence Award for Best Nar­ra­tive Film, The Divine Order are also avail­able.

You can find a com­plete list of Tribeca films here. As you may know, Kanopy offers a large col­lec­tion of award-win­ning films and doc­u­men­taries that are free to mem­bers of par­tic­i­pat­ing libraries. To see if your library is a par­tic­i­pat­ing mem­ber, vis­it this page on the Kanopy web­site.

Beyond the 200 films fea­tured in the Tribeca col­lec­tion, there are cur­rent­ly 30,000 films on the Kanopy ser­vice. Enjoy the shows.

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