In the midÂdle of the Mojave Desert, Google has creÂatÂed a high-tech tribÂute to MarÂgaret HamilÂton, the lead softÂware engiÂneer of the ApolÂlo space proÂgram. Google writes: “The tribÂute was creÂatÂed by posiÂtionÂing over 107,000 mirÂrors at the IvanÂpah Solar FacilÂiÂty in the Mojave Desert to reflect the light of the moon, instead of the sun, like the mirÂrors norÂmalÂly do. The result is a 1.4‑square-mile porÂtrait of MarÂgaret, bigÂger than New York’s CenÂtral Park.” You can learn more about HamilÂton and her conÂtriÂbuÂtions to the 1960s space proÂgram here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
NASA Puts Its SoftÂware Online & Makes It Free to DownÂload
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