From Vox comes a short explainÂer that delves into why virusÂes like COVID-19 have often first takÂen off in ChiÂna. They write:
As of earÂly March 2020, a new coroÂnÂavirus, called COVID-19, is in more than 70 counÂtries and has killed more than 3,100 peoÂple, the vast majorÂiÂty in ChiÂna. That’s where the virus emerged back in DecemÂber 2019. This isn’t a new pheÂnomÂeÂnon for ChiÂna; in 2003, the SARS virus also emerged there, and under simÂiÂlar cirÂcumÂstances, before spreadÂing around the world and killing nearÂly 800.
Both SARS and COVID-19 are in the “coroÂnÂavirus” famÂiÂly, and both appear to have emerged from aniÂmals in ChiÂna’s notoÂriÂous wildlife marÂkets. Experts had long preÂdictÂed that these marÂkets, known to be potenÂtial sources of disÂease, would enable anothÂer outÂbreak. The marÂkets, and the wildlife trade that supÂports them, are the underÂlyÂing probÂlem of these panÂdemics; until ChiÂna solves that probÂlem, more are likeÂly to emerge.
Days ago, ChiÂna’s wildlife-farmÂing indusÂtry was perÂmaÂnentÂly shut down by ChiÂnese offiÂcials.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Free CoursÂes on the CoroÂnÂavirus: What You Need to Know About the EmergÂing PanÂdemÂic
ChiÂnese MuseÂums, Closed by the CoroÂnÂavirus, Put Their ExhiÂbiÂtions Online
HighÂly spuÂriÂous conÂcluÂsion drawn from TWO examÂples!!
Smells more like extremeÂly unpleasÂant racist proÂpaÂganÂda.
Take this down, it shames you disÂgraceÂfulÂly.
Please let’s not forÂget that westÂern farmÂing has its own examÂples that wasÂn’t even as simÂple as facilÂiÂtatÂing cross-species infecÂtion.
For instance vCJD (variÂant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disÂease) from BSE (Bovine spongiÂform encephalopaÂthy) aka mad-cow diesease is a pure piece of westÂern sciÂenÂtifÂic farmÂing.
FeedÂing disÂeased sheep (scrapie) bone meal to cows (totalÂly natÂurÂal food source) and thence to humans.
The fallÂout from BSE conÂtinÂues — still CanaÂdiÂans who have spent any time in the UK/France between 80 & 96 canÂnot donate blood because there’s no wideÂly availÂable test. (OthÂer timeÂframes covÂer the whole of WestÂern Europe & SauÂdi AraÂbia).
Watch the docÂuÂmenÂtary “Unseen EneÂmy” made by CNN Films. You’ll think more about what is pracÂticed in these lethalÂly unsanÂiÂtary live aniÂmal marÂkets. SHUT DOWN THE MARKETS.
Indeed! And do not eat othÂer aniÂmals.
Stop eatÂing aniÂmal prodÂucts (meat, dairy, etc.). Stop aniÂmal farmÂing. Start by closÂing the ConÂcenÂtratÂed AniÂmal FeedÂing OperÂaÂtions that proÂvide most of our meat. Hunt only to keep aniÂmal popÂuÂlaÂtions down, don’t eat them. Stop using antibiÂotics on aniÂmals to increase growth. Kill male farm aniÂmals to preÂvent reproÂducÂtion and allow die off. Only these things will greatÂly diminÂish these disÂeases, will reduce resisÂtant organÂisms, will preÂvent new organÂisms. And, yes, ChiÂna should close the wet marÂkets too.
Thanks a lot for sharÂing and for your research