Time-Lapse Video Reveals Humanity’s Impact on the Earth Since 1984

Google has worked with experts at Carnegie Mel­lon Uni­ver­si­ty’s CREATE Lab to devel­op a time-lapse fea­ture with­in Google Earth, which allows you to see first­hand the changes to our plan­et since 1984.

In the biggest update to Google Earth since 2017, you can now see our plan­et in an entire­ly new dimen­sion — time. With Time­lapse in Google Earth, 24 mil­lion satel­lite pho­tos from the past 37 years have been com­piled into an inter­ac­tive 4D expe­ri­ence. Now any­one can watch time unfold and wit­ness near­ly four decades of plan­e­tary change.…

To explore Time­lapse in Google Earth, go to g.co/Timelapse — you can use the handy search bar to choose any place on the plan­et where you want to see time in motion…

As we looked at what was hap­pen­ing, five themes emerged: for­est changeurban growthwarm­ing tem­per­a­turessources of ener­gy, and our world’s frag­ile beau­ty. Google Earth takes you on a guid­ed tour of each top­ic to bet­ter under­stand them.

You can get a feel for the relent­less change in the short video above, and learn more about the new iter­a­tion of Google Earth over at the Google blog.

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