Become a Project Manager Without a College Degree with Google’s Project Management Certificate

As we first men­tioned last year, Google has launched a series of Career Cer­tifi­cate pro­grams that allow stu­dents to gain exper­tise in a field, ide­al­ly enough to start work­ing with­out a 4‑year col­lege degree. This ini­tia­tive now includes a Cer­tifi­cate in Project Man­age­ment, which con­sists of six cours­es.

  • Foun­da­tions of Project Man­age­ment
  • Project Ini­ti­a­tion: Start­ing a Suc­cess­ful Project
  • Project Plan­ning: Putting It All Togeth­er
  • Project Exe­cu­tion: Run­ning the Project
  • Agile Project Man­age­ment
  • Cap­stone: Apply­ing Project Man­age­ment in the Real World

Above, a Pro­gram Man­ag­er talks about “her path from drop­ping out of high school and earn­ing a GED, join­ing the mil­i­tary, and work­ing as a coder, to learn­ing about pro­gram man­age­ment and switch­ing into that career track.” An intro­duc­tion to the Project Man­age­ment cer­tifi­cate appears below.

The Project Man­age­ment pro­gram takes about six months to com­plete, and should cost about $250 in total. Stu­dents get charged $39 per month until they com­plete the pro­gram.

You can explore the Project Man­age­ment cer­tifi­cate here. And find oth­er Google career cer­tifi­cates in oth­er fields–e.g. UX Design and Data Ana­lyt­ics–over on this page. All Google career cours­es are host­ed on the Cours­era plat­form.

Find more online cer­tifi­cate pro­grams from an array of providers here.

Note: Open Cul­ture has a part­ner­ship with Cours­era. If read­ers enroll in cer­tain Cours­era cours­es and pro­grams, it helps sup­port Open Cul­ture.

Relat­ed Con­tent 

Google Intro­duces 6‑Month Career Cer­tifi­cates, Threat­en­ing to Dis­rupt High­er Edu­ca­tion with “the Equiv­a­lent of a Four-Year Degree”

Google & Cours­era Launch Career Cer­tifi­cates That Pre­pare Stu­dents for Jobs in 6 Months: Data Ana­lyt­ics, Project Man­age­ment and UX Design

Google’s UX Design Pro­fes­sion­al Cer­tifi­cate: 7 Cours­es Will Help Pre­pare Stu­dents for an Entry-Lev­el Job in 6 Months

150 Free Online Busi­ness Cours­es

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  • PMO Global Institute says:

    Hel­lo! I just read your arti­cle on becom­ing a project man­ag­er with­out a col­lege degree through Google’s Project Man­age­ment Cer­tifi­cate, and I must say it’s an inspir­ing piece. The infor­ma­tion you pro­vid­ed about this cer­tifi­cate pro­gram and its poten­tial to open doors for indi­vid­u­als inter­est­ed in project man­age­ment is tru­ly remark­able.

    It’s fas­ci­nat­ing to see how Google has rec­og­nized the val­ue of prac­ti­cal skills and cre­at­ed a pro­gram that allows aspir­ing project man­agers to gain the nec­es­sary knowl­edge and cre­den­tials with­out a tra­di­tion­al col­lege degree. This is a game-chang­er for many indi­vid­u­als who may not have pur­sued a degree but have a pas­sion for project man­age­ment and a desire to excel in the field.

    I appre­ci­ate how you high­light­ed the com­pre­hen­sive cur­ricu­lum of the Google Project Man­age­ment Cer­tifi­cate pro­gram. Cov­er­ing essen­tial project man­age­ment con­cepts, tools, and tech­niques, this pro­gram equips learn­ers with prac­ti­cal skills that are direct­ly applic­a­ble in real-world sce­nar­ios. The fact that it is devel­oped by Google and taught by indus­try pro­fes­sion­als adds fur­ther cred­i­bil­i­ty to the pro­gram.

    Fur­ther­more, your empha­sis on the grow­ing demand for project man­agers and the poten­tial career oppor­tu­ni­ties avail­able in this field is moti­vat­ing. It’s fan­tas­tic to see that this cer­tifi­cate pro­gram can serve as a step­ping stone for indi­vid­u­als to enter the project man­age­ment indus­try and pur­sue ful­fill­ing careers.

    Thank you for shed­ding light on this valu­able oppor­tu­ni­ty pro­vid­ed by Google. Your arti­cle has inspired me and many oth­ers to explore alter­na­tive paths to achiev­ing our career goals. I’m excit­ed to learn more about the Google Project Man­age­ment Cer­tifi­cate pro­gram and the pos­si­bil­i­ties it can unlock. Keep up the great work, and I look for­ward to read­ing more of your infor­ma­tive arti­cles in the future!

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