Watch Neil Young & Crazy Horse Play & Record the New 15-Minute Track “Chevrolet” for the First Time

“Chevro­let,” a new track on Neil Young’s 42nd stu­dio album World Record, takes you on a long, ram­bling road trip, cov­er­ing a lot of dif­fer­ent ter­rain over 15 min­utes, with some vers­es last­ing more than two min­utes. Above, you can watch Neil Young and Crazy Horse (Nils Lof­gren, Bil­ly Tal­bot and Ralph Moli­na) play the song for the very first time.  It’s also the same cut that appears on the album. It’s a pret­ty remark­able dis­play of musi­cian­ship, and a great new Neil Young track.

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Relat­ed Con­tent

Neil Young Plays “Hey, Hey, My, My” with Devo: Watch a Clas­sic Scene from the Impro­vised Movie Human High­way (1980)

Neil Young Releas­es a Nev­er-Before-Heard Ver­sion of His 1979 Clas­sic, “Pow­derfin­ger”: Stream It Online

When Neil Young & Rick “Super Freak” James Formed the 60’s Motown Band, The Mynah Birds

“More Barn!” The Sto­ry of How Neil Young First Played Har­vest for Gra­ham Nash (1972)


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  • Charles Healy says:

    Thanks Neil and the Horse. After lis­ten­ing to you guys for more than 50 years, it is so great to hear new music. Some­thing I’ve won­dered, you might find it eas­i­er to release more albums, faster, if you just give us some good long jams with­out vocals. I think I speak for many of your fans, that we’re here for the music. If you can write mean­ing­ful poet­ry and set it to music that’s great! You know we all love it but if you have a bit of writer’s block, and you can just get the band togeth­er set down a beat, and go to town, that would be great. Sev­er­al songs that are 10 or 15 min­utes, or even one mas­sive long jam for an hour or more, let’s hear it. You guys aren’t get­ting any younger, and if you could record and release 10 or 20 more albums like I’m describ­ing, we would eat them up. We can nev­er get enough of your music. Thank you, Neil Young and Crazy Horse. You make this life a lot more worth liv­ing!

  • Helen slattery says:

    My favorite

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