We interÂrupt our regÂuÂlarÂly schedÂuled proÂgramÂming to bring you this: John Water givÂing a tour of his 1980s apartÂment. HighÂlights of the tour include: his colÂlecÂtion of porÂtraits of murÂderÂessÂes (preferÂably murÂderÂessÂes who have since found reliÂgion), an elecÂtric chair, a witchÂes’ broom, fake pieces of meat found in varÂiÂous rooms … well, you get the picÂture. Enjoy!
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
John Waters’ RISD GradÂuÂaÂtion Speech: Real Wealth Is Life WithÂout A*Holes
An Anti, Anti-SmokÂing AnnounceÂment from John Waters
John Waters Talks About His Books and Role ModÂels in a WhimÂsiÂcal AniÂmatÂed Video
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