From StanÂford UniÂverÂsiÂty comes “EntreÂpreÂneurÂship Through the Lens of VenÂture CapÂiÂtal,” a course that “explores how sucÂcessÂful starÂtups navÂiÂgate fundÂing, manÂagÂing, and scalÂing their new enterÂprise. This process is explored through guest lecÂtures and menÂtorÂship from expeÂriÂenced venÂture capÂiÂtal investors and seaÂsoned entreÂpreÂneurs who manÂage these issues on a daiÂly basis in SilÂiÂcon ValÂley.” TopÂics covÂered in the course include “cusÂtomer valÂue equaÂtion, board manÂageÂment, marÂket stratÂeÂgy, comÂpaÂny culÂture, and hyper growth.” StanÂford adds:
With over a cenÂtuÂry and a half of venÂture capÂiÂtal expeÂriÂence and many more years of pracÂtice in entreÂpreÂneurÂship, our teachÂing team and guest lecÂturÂers covÂer the funÂdaÂmenÂtals for buildÂing a sucÂcessÂful comÂpaÂny. While there is no set forÂmuÂla for buildÂing a sucÂcessÂful comÂpaÂny, basic prinÂciÂples and genÂerÂal patÂterns are manÂiÂfestÂed in the most sucÂcessÂful start-ups. With assisÂtance from expeÂriÂenced venÂture capÂiÂtal investors and seaÂsoned entreÂpreÂneurs from SilÂiÂcon ValÂley, this course proÂceeds through the stages of growth and chalÂlenges expeÂriÂenced by starÂtups.
You can find the lecÂtures above, on YouTube.
“EntreÂpreÂneurÂship Through the Lens of VenÂture CapÂiÂtal” has been added to our colÂlecÂtion of Free BusiÂness CoursÂes, a subÂset of our meta colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
150 Free Online BusiÂness CoursÂes
Peter Thiel’s StanÂford Course on StarÂtups: Read the LecÂture Notes Free Online
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