Taught by Yale proÂfesÂsor Dale B. MarÂtin, this course offers an introÂducÂtion to New TesÂtaÂment HisÂtoÂry and LitÂerÂaÂture, and covÂers the folÂlowÂing ground:
This course proÂvides a hisÂtorÂiÂcal study of the oriÂgins of ChrisÂtianÂiÂty by anaÂlyzÂing the litÂerÂaÂture of the earÂliÂest ChrisÂtÂian moveÂments in hisÂtorÂiÂcal conÂtext, conÂcenÂtratÂing on the New TesÂtaÂment. Although theÂoÂlogÂiÂcal themes will occuÂpy much of our attenÂtion, the course does not attempt a theÂoÂlogÂiÂcal approÂpriÂaÂtion of the New TesÂtaÂment as scripÂture. Rather, the imporÂtance of the New TesÂtaÂment and othÂer earÂly ChrisÂtÂian docÂuÂments as ancient litÂerÂaÂture and as sources for hisÂtorÂiÂcal study will be emphaÂsized. A cenÂtral orgaÂnizÂing theme of the course will focus on the difÂferÂences withÂin earÂly ChrisÂtianÂiÂty (-ies).
You can watch the 26 lecÂtures from the course above, or find them on YouTube and iTunes. To get more inforÂmaÂtion on the course, includÂing the sylÂlabus, visÂit this Yale webÂsite.
IntroÂducÂtion to New TesÂtaÂment HisÂtoÂry and LitÂerÂaÂture will be added to our colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties. There you can find a speÂcialÂized list of Free Online ReliÂgion CoursÂes.
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