Mark LinÂsenÂmayÂer, EriÂca Spyres, and BriÂan Hirt take on both MarÂgaret Atwood’s 1985 novÂel plus the Bruce Miller/Hulu TV series through seaÂson 3. There’s also a graphÂic novÂel and the 1990 film.
We get into what’s needÂed to move a novÂel to the screen like that: The charÂacÂter can’t just remain pasÂsive as in the novÂel in order to keep us sufÂferÂing with her past the first seaÂson as stoÂryÂtelling beyond the book begins. We talk about Atwood’s funÂny neolÂoÂgisms (like “prayÂvaÂganÂza”) that didn’t make it into the show.
How does race play into the stoÂry, and how should it? Is the stoÂry priÂmarÂiÂly a politÂiÂcal stateÂment or a self-conÂtained work of art? GivÂen the bleakÂness of the sitÂuÂaÂtion depictÂed, can there be comÂic relief? How can we have a nomÂiÂnalÂly funÂny podÂcast about this work?
Some of the artiÂcles we drew on or bring up include:
- “The DifÂferÂences Between The Handmaid’s Tale Show and Book, Explained” by Eliana DockÂterÂman
- “In Its First SeaÂson, The Handmaid’s Tale’s GreatÂest FailÂing Is How It HanÂdles Race” by AngelÂiÂca Jade BastiĂ©n
- “The Handmaid’s Tale Could Be So Much BetÂter. But First It Has to Leave Its Star Behind” by Judy Berman
Plus EriÂca brings up this video of Bill MoyÂers interÂviewÂing Atwood about reliÂgion. We also touch on Shindler’s List, Jean-Paul Sartre’s NauÂsea, David Brin dissÂing Star Wars as anti-demoÂcÂraÂtÂic stoÂryÂtelling, and the many conÂserÂvÂaÂtive disÂmissals of the show as hysÂterÂiÂcal proÂpaÂganÂda.
Buy the book, the graphÂic novÂel, or its new sequel The TesÂtaÂments.
You may be interÂestÂed in these relatÂed ParÂtialÂly ExamÂined Life episodes (Mark’s long-runÂning phiÂlosÂoÂphy podÂcast): #181 on HanÂnah Arendt and the banalÂiÂty of evil, #139 on bell hooks and her hisÂtorÂiÂcal account of conÂdiÂtions for black women not terÂriÂbly disÂsimÂiÂlar to the ones described by Atwood, #90 interÂviewÂing David Brin about the conÂnecÂtions between specÂuÂlaÂtive ficÂtion, phiÂlosÂoÂphy, and politÂiÂcal speech. PEL has also recordÂed sevÂerÂal episodes on Sartreand Mark ran a supÂportÂer-only sesÂsion that you could lisÂten to on NauÂsea in parÂticÂuÂlar. Also check out Brian’s ConÂtelÂlary Tales podÂcast #2 talkÂing about anothÂer breedÂing-relatÂed sci-fi stoÂry by Octavia ButÂler.
This episode includes bonus disÂcusÂsion that you can only hear by supÂportÂing the podÂcast at This podÂcast is part of the ParÂtialÂly ExamÂined Life podÂcast netÂwork.
PretÂty Much Pop is the first podÂcast curatÂed by Open CulÂture. Browse all PretÂty Much Pop posts or start with the first episode.