Rome Reborn — An Amazing Digital Model of Ancient Rome

What did ancient Rome look like in A.D. 320? Rome Reborn is an inter­na­tion­al ini­tia­tive to answer this ques­tion and cre­ate a 3D dig­i­tal mod­el of the Eter­nal City at a time when Rome’s pop­u­la­tion had reached its peak (about one mil­lion) and the first Chris­t­ian church­es were being built. The result is a tru­ly stun­ning bird’s-eye and ground view of ancient Rome that makes you feel as if you were actu­al­ly there. There are also some high-res­o­lu­tion images that lend them­selves per­fect­ly to being used as wall­pa­per for your com­put­er. HT @amishare

Relat­ed Con­tent:

How the Egypt­ian Pyra­mids Were Built: A New The­o­ry in 3D Ani­ma­tion

Build­ing The Colos­se­um: The Icon of Rome

Vis­it Pom­peii (also Stone­henge & Ver­sailles) with Google Street View

By pro­fes­sion, Matthias Rasch­er teach­es Eng­lish and His­to­ry at a High School in north­ern Bavaria, Ger­many. In his free time he scours the web for good links and posts the best finds on Twit­ter.

3D Rome Was Built in a Day

Com­put­er sci­en­tists at UNC-Chapel Hill and col­leagues at the Swiss uni­ver­si­ty, ETH-Zurich, have cre­at­ed an algo­rithm that search­es through mil­lions of pho­tos on Flickr, then uses them to build a 3D mod­el of land­marks and geo­graph­i­cal loca­tions. Case in point, the video above. Accord­ing to The Dai­ly Tar Heel, “researchers demon­strat­ed the tech­nique by using 3 mil­lion images of Rome to recon­struct the city’s pri­ma­ry land­marks. A sin­gle PC processed the images in less than 24 hours. Land­marks in Berlin were recon­struct­ed in the same man­ner.” Not bad for a day’s work…

via Read­WriteWeb
