In this audio segÂment from The Leonard Lopate Show (iTunes — Feed — Web Site), BarÂry LanÂdo, a forÂmer invesÂtigaÂtive reporter for 60 MinÂutes and the author of a new book on Iraq, gives a half-hour overview of Iraq’s hisÂtoÂry — of how the British fashÂioned an indeÂpenÂdent nation in 1932 out of the fragÂments of the Ottoman Empire, and how, from there, the desÂtiny of this artiÂfiÂcial meldÂing of three ethÂnic groups has been conÂstantÂly interÂtwined with the forÂeign polÂiÂcy ambiÂtions of EngÂland, RusÂsia, and evenÂtuÂalÂly the UnitÂed States, which, of course, leads us to today. P.S. You may want to check out LanÂdo’s blog, and, on the lighter side, and espeÂcialÂly if you’re bummed by the whole Iraq affair, you may want to take a look at LanÂdo’s recent appearÂance on The ColÂbert Report:
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