Rare Ezra Pound Recordings Now Online


Here’s a quick fyi for poet­ry fans: PennSound has released on its site rare audio record­ings by mod­ernist poet, Ezra Pound (Octo­ber 30, 1885 – Novem­ber 1, 1972) and, along with them, a help­ful essay called The Sound of Pound: A Lis­ten­er’s Guide by Richard Sieburth. The audio clips large­ly come out of two major record­ing ses­sions, one at Har­vard in 1939, the oth­er in Wash­ing­ton in 1958. They also include Pound’s 1942 read­ing of Can­to XLVI, a read­ing of his “Con­fu­cian Odes” in 1970, and a pri­vate record­ing of three Can­tos. Based at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia, PennSound hous­es, they claim, the largest archive of dig­i­tal poet­ry record­ings, all acces­si­ble online. For more infor­ma­tion on the Pound record­ings and PennSound, click here.

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Hear Ezra Pound Read From His “Can­tos,” Some of the Great Poet­ic Works of the 20th Cen­tu­ry

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