Below, you’ll find a list of 25 fine cinema/film blogs, all for the cinÂeÂma buff.
This list figÂures into a largÂer colÂlecÂtion of CulÂture Blogs that we’re putting togethÂer over time. It’s a work in progress, so watch it grow. If you feel that we’re missÂing some extraÂorÂdiÂnary blogs, please feel free to ma**@oc******.com/”>email us and let us know.
- AlterÂnaÂtive Film Guide: A nice resource for anyÂone who wants to go beyond mainÂstream movies.
- Cahiers du cinĂ©Âma: This is not exactÂly a blog. Rather it’s the site for the very influÂenÂtial French film magÂaÂzine foundÂed in 1951. If you read French, defÂiÂniteÂly give it a look.
- Cinecultist: This cinÂeÂma blog comes straight to you from the East VilÂlage in NYC, and it’s put togethÂer mainÂly by Karen WilÂson, a freeÂlance writer and ediÂtor with a film backÂground.
- CinÂeÂma MinÂiÂma: A news blog for movie makÂers that digests inforÂmaÂtion about movie makÂing, actÂing, disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion, and film fesÂtiÂvals.
- CinÂeÂma Strikes Back: The site covÂers movies worldÂwide with news, reviews, interÂviews and film fesÂtiÂval reports. It also offers advanced looks at upcomÂing movies and DVDs. Has a parÂticÂuÂlar focus on genre, cult and forÂeign films.
- CinÂeÂmarati: CreÂatÂed by the The Web Alliance for Film ComÂmenÂtary, this blog brings togethÂer online film critÂics for seriÂous, and seriÂousÂly fun, disÂcusÂsion about film, and also counÂters the notion that “anyÂone with a modem can be a critÂic.”
- CinÂeÂmatÂiÂcal: Part of the Weblogs, Inc. netÂwork, CinÂeÂmatÂiÂcal keeps tabs on what’s new in film.
- Clip Joint: Put out by the Guardian, this blog presents a roundup of top cinÂeÂma-relatÂed clips on the interÂnet.
- CynÂthia RockÂwell’s WaitÂing Room: A site that you’ll find listÂed on many A‑list film blogs.
- Dave Kehr.com: When not blogÂging, Dave writes “Critic’s Choice: New DVDs,” a
colÂumn that appears in The New York Times and is archived here.
- DeadÂline HolÂlyÂwood DaiÂly: PubÂlished by LA WeekÂly, this blog is writÂten by jourÂnalÂist NikÂki Finke, who writes about the busiÂness, polÂiÂtics and culÂture of the infoÂtainÂment indusÂtry.
- DriftÂing: David LowÂery disÂcoursÂes here on film, at least most of the time.
- Film ExpeÂriÂence Blog: What you get here are cinÂeÂmatÂic musÂings from Nathaniel R with freÂquent dips into pop culÂture misÂcelÂlaÂnia.
- FlickÂhead: KeepÂing it reel!
- Green Cine DaiÂly: GreenCine DaiÂly is priÂmarÂiÂly writÂten by GC EdiÂtor David HudÂson. A nice comÂpreÂhenÂsive blog.
- Hell on Frisco Bay: The jourÂnal of a cinephile hauntÂing the remainÂing movie housÂes of the San FranÂcisÂco Bay Area.
- If CharÂlie ParkÂer Was a GunÂslinger: CulÂturÂal obserÂvaÂtions by Tom SutÂpen, Stephen Cooke and Richard GibÂson.
- Like Anna KariÂna’s Sweater: A film and culÂture blog with a focus on non-mainÂstream topÂics, writÂten by a proÂfesÂsionÂal screenÂwriter and a part-time misÂanÂthrope.
- Lost in NegÂaÂtive Space: For provocaÂtive film critÂiÂcism with an underÂdog bite. WritÂten by Peter Gelderblom.
- MasÂters of CinÂeÂma: Five blogÂgers from three difÂferÂent
counÂtries bring perÂtiÂnent inforÂmaÂtion togethÂer in one place
for afiÂcionaÂdos of World CinÂeÂma.
- Movie City Indie: IndeÂpenÂdent movies, indeÂpenÂdent thinkÂing by Ray Pride.
- Not ComÂing to a TheÂater Near You: A site with a bias towards oldÂer, often unpopÂuÂlar, and someÂtimes unknown films that merÂit a secÂond look.
- Notes from the UnderÂdog: On writÂing, screenÂwritÂing, films, music, and the politÂiÂcal landÂscape.
- ScanÂners: A film blog writÂten by Jim EmerÂson, a SeatÂtle-based writer and film critÂic, who is also the foundÂing ediÂtor-in-chief of RogerEbert.com.
- SerÂgio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule: Hard to sumÂmaÂrize this one (as the title kind of demonÂstrates). BetÂter just to see it instead.
Also PubÂlic Domain Movies
OK, no hyperÂliks .….
Many thanks for spotÂlightÂing my blog, SerÂgio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule. It’s realÂly not all that mysÂteÂriÂous, but I have a lot of fun writÂing it, and I realÂly do appreÂciÂate being held in the comÂpaÂny of the othÂer blogs you’ve listÂed. That’s a very good list of 25 indeed!