We’re now in prime vacaÂtion seaÂson, and so we figÂured that we’d highÂlight sevÂerÂal ways in which Open CulÂture can enrich your sumÂmer travÂels — all for free.
- First and foreÂmost, if you’re travÂelÂing to anothÂer counÂtry, and if you want to speak the mothÂer tongue, then spend some time with our colÂlecÂtion of forÂeign lanÂguage lesÂson podÂcasts. The colÂlecÂtion curÂrentÂly covÂers over 25 lanÂguages, so there is a very good chance that we can meet your travÂel needs.
- Next, if you plan to do a good long road trip, you should sort through our colÂlecÂtion of audioÂbook podÂcasts. Our list, which gives you access to 90 masÂterÂpieces in litÂerÂaÂture and clasÂsics, can help the long travÂel hours effortÂlessÂly slide by.
- A vacaÂtion is always a good time to learn someÂthing new and worthÂwhile. Here are five coursÂes from StanÂford UniÂverÂsiÂty, availÂable as free podÂcasts, that were creÂatÂed with the lifeÂlong learnÂer in mind. So they were essenÂtialÂly cusÂtom-made for you. (You can also find here a long list of free coursÂes from othÂer major uniÂverÂsiÂties, includÂing MIT, BerkeÂley, HarÂvard, Oxford, and Johns HopÂkins.)
- LookÂing for some free Mozart, Beethoven, or Miles Davis to enrich your expeÂriÂence? Find free podÂcasts in our Music secÂtion. See our comÂplete colÂlecÂtion of podÂcasts here.
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