The iPod Deathclock

How many days, weeks or months before your iPod goes kaput? This web site will give you an esti­mate. Per­haps a handy tool for any­one who con­sumes all of the pod­casts that we throw your way.

Check out our col­lec­tion of Ideas & Cul­ture Pod­casts

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Comments (4)
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  • Peter Hoeschele says:

    I find it inter­est­ing that you just post­ed this. My iPod became an unhap­py face two nights ago, as well as two oth­er friends’ ipods in the last 4 days. Curi­ous, isn’t it?

  • Patrick says:

    Nah. I think that death­clock is garbage. It think’s my 3rd Gen iPod 40G has got an hour left to live, and it still works great.

  • Jon T says:

    Just goes to show that iPods are used to death…

    About the best com­pli­ment you can give them it seems to me. Sit­ting in a draw­er would­n’t have that effect…

  • enrique says:

    lo uso casi diario y lo descar­go siem­pre entero y megus­taria saber si eso esta bn o mal

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