How to Watch DVDs on Your iPod?

The answer is sim­ple: Hand­brake. This free, open source soft­ware (which works on MacOS X, Lin­ux and Win­dows) makes it sim­ple to load and watch DVDs on your video iPod. Here are some help­ful instruc­tions to get you start­ed.

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  • Jason Sale says:

    I’m sure hand­brake is great, only because I keep hear­ing about how great it is. I tried it for the first time today on my XP lap­top with the fol­low­ing expe­ri­ence:

    I enter the DVD source, then it says “scan­ning…”. Then it reads the CD for about 30 min­utes only to crash and screw up my whole com­put­er. Every­thing starts going slow as hell so I restart the com­put­er, to no avail. My mouse lags behind as if the CPU is churn­ing away at a hun­dred miles an hour, but when I check the task man­ag­er it shows about 3–4% cpu usage, and hand­brake isn’t even run­ning. Then I delete it and sud­den­ly every­thing works great. I’m sure I’ve just had an unfor­tu­nate expe­ri­ence but from where I’m sit­ting and based on my expe­ri­ence I would say hand­brake is a spam­my piece of crap.

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