The answer is simÂple: HandÂbrake. This free, open source softÂware (which works on MacOS X, LinÂux and WinÂdows) makes it simÂple to load and watch DVDs on your video iPod. Here are some helpÂful instrucÂtions to get you startÂed.
in Podcasts, Web/Tech | November 27th, 2007 1 Comment
The answer is simÂple: HandÂbrake. This free, open source softÂware (which works on MacOS X, LinÂux and WinÂdows) makes it simÂple to load and watch DVDs on your video iPod. Here are some helpÂful instrucÂtions to get you startÂed.
by OC | Permalink | Comments (1) |
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I’m sure handÂbrake is great, only because I keep hearÂing about how great it is. I tried it for the first time today on my XP lapÂtop with the folÂlowÂing expeÂriÂence:
I enter the DVD source, then it says “scanÂning…”. Then it reads the CD for about 30 minÂutes only to crash and screw up my whole comÂputÂer. EveryÂthing starts going slow as hell so I restart the comÂputÂer, to no avail. My mouse lags behind as if the CPU is churnÂing away at a hunÂdred miles an hour, but when I check the task manÂagÂer it shows about 3–4% cpu usage, and handÂbrake isn’t even runÂning. Then I delete it and sudÂdenÂly everyÂthing works great. I’m sure I’ve just had an unforÂtuÂnate expeÂriÂence but from where I’m sitÂting and based on my expeÂriÂence I would say handÂbrake is a spamÂmy piece of crap.