George Harrison & The Concert for Bangladesh (1971)

In August 1971, George Har­ri­son and Ravi Shankar staged two ben­e­fit con­certs at Madi­son Square Gar­den in NYC to raise mon­ey for refugees in Bangladesh. (More on the con­cert here.) Also appear­ing on stage were Bob Dylan, Eric Clap­ton and Ringo Starr. Below, we’ve post­ed some footage from the show, and also includ­ed it in our YouTube playlist (feel free to sub­scribe to it). You can also watch oth­er songs from the con­cert here and here.

Just as an fyi, a record­ing of the con­cert was released as an album in 1971 and then as a film in 1972. Pro­ceeds from both still go to UNICEF.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

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