Here’s a nice counÂterÂpoint to our post last week covÂerÂing Susan Jacoby’s new book The Age of AmerÂiÂcan UnreaÂson and her lament that AmerÂiÂca has declined into a morass of anti-intelÂlecÂtuÂalÂism and low expecÂtaÂtions.
Let’s set the scene: A reporter selects a young Barack ObaÂma supÂportÂer at a ralÂly and starts pepÂperÂing him with quesÂtions about the canÂdiÂdate. And it all feels like a staged effort to demonÂstrate that the mobiÂlized youth has no real hanÂdle on the issues. He’s just blindÂly buyÂing the hype. WithÂout wastÂing time, the reporter leads the young man into a conÂverÂsaÂtion on the comÂplexÂiÂties of health care. It’s the perÂfect setÂup. But then it sudÂdenÂly becomes clear that the reporter chose the wrong kid (who is a natÂuÂralÂized immiÂgrant, by the way) to play the fool. Watch the video below (and check out this folÂlow up video that gives you more of the back stoÂry).
The guy’s name is DerÂrick Ashong. He gives speechÂes about polÂiÂtics; also was in SpielÂberg’s “AmisÂtad”.
wrong kid indeed!
InterÂviewÂer is a giganÂtic tool. He might as well begin each quesÂtion with “Hey stuÂpid…”
I couldÂn’t watch the whole thing (dude was makÂing me sick), but even halfway through, once it became clear that his subÂject had someÂthing to conÂtribute on the topÂic, he’s STILL tryÂing to catch him out.
Wow! Thanks so much for postÂing this! I hope you don’t mind but I had to post this over on my blog as well. In addiÂtion, I found a few more of DerÂrickÂ’s posts on youtube… I encourÂage othÂers to check them out as well…‑JirI45yGs
What an abraÂsive interÂviewÂer.
The takeÂaway from that video was not health care-relatÂed but rather that ObaÂma as presÂiÂdent would unite ConÂgress. Which means it was a proÂmoÂtionÂal spot in the guise of an interÂview.
The fake high five at the end was clasÂsic.
i am conÂfused, why, if the interÂviewÂer was tryÂing to catch him out, and was being made to look bad, did he post the video. It seemed to me in watchÂing it, that this whole thing was staged. The interÂviewÂer was not catchÂing him out realÂly, but setÂting up quesÂtions. and givÂen the subÂject is a regÂuÂlar youtube corÂreÂsponÂdent, seems a great coinÂciÂdence that he is the one ranÂdomÂly interÂviewed.
and he is also an actor, staged seems right