Today we’re highÂlightÂing for you a new course postÂed on StanÂford UniÂverÂsiÂty’s iTunes site. OrigÂiÂnalÂly preÂsentÂed by StanÂford ConÂtinÂuÂing StudÂies (where I hapÂpiÂly spend my days), GlobÂal GeopolÂiÂtics is taught by geogÂraÂphy expert MarÂtin Lewis, and “examÂines the globÂal politÂiÂcal sitÂuÂaÂtion from a geoÂgraphÂiÂcal perÂspecÂtive. TopÂics include: how the counÂtries of the world were formed and came to occuÂpy their present terÂriÂtoÂrÂiÂal conÂfigÂuÂraÂtions; borÂder conÂflicts and othÂer spaÂtialÂly based interÂnaÂtionÂal issues; strugÂgles for secesÂsion from estabÂlished states and moveÂments for terÂriÂtoÂriÂalÂly based autonÂoÂmy; and the develÂopÂment and enlargeÂment of supraÂnaÂtionÂal orgaÂniÂzaÂtions such as the EuroÂpean Union (EU) and the AssoÂciÂaÂtion of SouthÂeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). While the course is globÂalÂly comÂpreÂhenÂsive, speÂcial attenÂtion will be givÂen to curÂrent sites of geo-politÂiÂcal tenÂsion. Maps will be used extenÂsiveÂly for both descripÂtive and anaÂlytÂiÂcal purÂposÂes.”
[NOTE: This is an enchanced podÂcast that allows you to see images and maps refÂerÂenced in the lecÂtures. To view them, click on View, then Show ArtÂwork, in iTunes. This will let you see them on your comÂputÂer.]
You can now downÂload the first lecÂture. AddiÂtionÂal lecÂtures will be released in weekÂly installÂments. The course is also listÂed in our colÂlecÂtion of Free Online CoursÂes from top uniÂverÂsiÂties.
is anyÂone aware of othÂer forÂmats? I don’t use I‑tunes
I find these classÂes fasÂciÂnatÂing, howÂevÂer, this class should realÂly be a video class due to all the map refÂerÂences. There is apparÂentÂly a video preÂsenÂtaÂtion that ProÂfesÂsor Lewis is using durÂing his lecÂture.
These classÂes are so interÂestÂing thanks to MarÂtin Lewis’ amazÂing knowlÂedge. For those who have an ipod touch, maps appears on the screen as MarÂtin speaks, which makes this class very intereÂacÂtive.
Can anyÂbody see the maps and images refÂerÂenced in the lecÂture via the “View ArtÂwork”? For me it only disÂplays the covÂer image of the course and nothÂing else. WithÂout the maps it’s not realÂly worthÂwhile to lisÂten to it. Any help would be very much appreÂciÂatÂed. I’m using iTunes 9 and accordÂing to “Get info” there is only the covÂer image includÂed in the file.
I believe my last mesÂsage was caught up in the spam filÂter, because of postÂing an URL inside the mesÂsage.
If you have iTunes 9 there will be a new menu item called “ChapÂters” and the fourth icon on the botÂtom left will reveal the embedÂded maps.
On Mac you can also use QuickÂtime X (part of Snow LeopÂard) to disÂplay the maps:
You have to locate the actuÂal file on your disk by clickÂing with the right mouse butÂton on the respecÂtive episode and select “Show in FindÂer”. Then open it with QuickÂtime X.