What’s the “theÂoÂretÂiÂcal minÂiÂmum” for thinkÂing intelÂliÂgentÂly about modÂern physics? Here’s your chance to find out. Below, you will find three coursÂes (the first of evenÂtuÂalÂly six) preÂsentÂed by Leonard Susskind, a StanÂford physiÂcist who helped conÂcepÂtuÂalÂize string theÂoÂry and has waged a long-runÂning “Black Hole War” with Stephen HawkÂing (see his new book on that subÂject here). Freely availÂable on iTunes and YouTube (see below), these video lecÂtures trace the beginÂnings of modÂern theÂoÂretÂiÂcal physics, takÂing you from Isaac NewÂton (or NewÂtonÂian MechanÂics) to Albert EinÂstein’s work on the genÂerÂal and speÂcial theÂoÂries of relÂaÂtivÂiÂty. Notably, these coursÂes were origÂiÂnalÂly preÂsentÂed withÂin StanÂford’s ConÂtinÂuÂing StudÂies proÂgram, which means that the conÂtent was pitched to an audiÂence much like you — that is, smart peoÂple who don’t necÂesÂsarÂiÂly have an extenÂsive knowlÂedge of physics. Watch the video below — the first lecÂture that kicks off the series of coursÂes — and you will see what I mean.
FinalÂly, in case you’re wonÂderÂing, the next three coursÂes (covÂerÂing quanÂtum mechanÂics, elecÂtroÂmagÂnetÂism, cosÂmolÂoÂgy, black holes, and more) will be preÂsentÂed this comÂing acaÂdÂeÂmÂic year and, once taped, we will give you a heads up. Sign up for our RSS Feed and you will be sure to get an update. Also see our colÂlecÂtion of Free Online CoursÂes for many more coursÂes along these lines.
ModÂern Physics: The TheÂoÂretÂiÂcal MinÂiÂmum
- ClasÂsiÂcal MechanÂics (Fall 2007) iTunes YouTube
- QuanÂtum MechanÂics (WinÂter 2008) iTunes YouTube
- SpeÂcial RelÂaÂtivÂiÂty (Spring 2008) iTunes YouTube
- EinÂstein’s GenÂerÂal TheÂoÂry of RelÂaÂtivÂiÂty (Fall 2009) iTunes YouTube
- CosÂmolÂoÂgy iTunes — YouTube
- StaÂtisÂtiÂcal MechanÂics iTunes YouTube
Bonus MateÂrÂiÂal
In 2006–2007, Susskind taped a sepÂaÂrate series of lecÂtures on QuanÂtum MechanÂics. You can downÂload them as free video lecÂtures as well:
[…] atenÂtos a este espaÂcio: ocurÂrirán grandes camÂbios muy pronÂto, basaÂdos en conÂtenidos abierÂtos como Ă©stos. (Bueno, yo encuenÂtro que el “¿Cual es el mĂnÂiÂmo teĂłriÂco para penÂsar inteligenÂteÂmente […]
[…] to EinÂstein to Black Holes. So far, we’ve made five of the six coursÂes availÂable online (get them here), which amounts to 100 hours of free classÂroom footage. Hard to beat. (And, in case you’re […]
[…] NewÂton to EinÂstein to Black Holes. So far, we’ve made five of the six coursÂes availÂable online (get them here), which amounts to 100 hours of free classÂroom footage. Hard to beat. (And, in case you’re […]
how do i downÂload these videos from youtube
I use http://rg3.github.com/youtube-dl/ to downÂload videos from YouTube. Works great!
[…] Leonard Susskind is an excelÂlent lecÂturÂer and his free video lecÂtures on everyÂthing from HamilÂtonÂian mechanÂics to speÂcial relÂaÂtivÂiÂty to quanÂtum mechanÂics are some of the […]
Prof. Susskind is an amazÂing lecÂturÂer. No wonÂder he won JJ SakuÂrai prize. I am not an native EngÂlish speakÂer, but the way he speak is easy to be underÂstood. Many thanks ProÂfesÂsor.
[…] StaÂtisÂtiÂcal MechanÂics, has now been postÂed on YouTube, and you can also find it on iTunes in video. If you click through to this page, you will find every course in the series. Six coursÂes. RoughÂly 120 hours of video. A comÂpreÂhenÂsive tour of modÂern physics. All in video. All […]
Keep it comÂming
Can I get these lecÂtures on dvd?
[…] on line Physics LecÂtures were done at StanÂford. This one is done by Leonard Susskind and availÂable here. I have not preÂviewed this secÂond offerÂing but I cerÂtainÂly plan to do it as time perÂmits. It is a […]
[…] and knowÂing you, you want to go deepÂer. So here you: Leonard Susskind, a world famous physiÂcist, offered a series of six coursÂes for StanÂford ConÂtinÂuÂing StudÂiess, which traced the arc of modÂern physics. It goes from NewÂton to Black Holes. NatÂuÂralÂly a tour of […]
Is the QuanÂtum MechanÂics Course by Dr. Leonard Susskind availÂable on dvd?
The most imporÂtant on-line course — and it is on physics — is Physics C10/LS C70V at BerkeÂley. @cjfsyntropy:twitter wrote a detailed review of the course here: http://blog.cjfearnley.com/2011/02/24/the-most-important-video-course-on-line-physics-c10ls-c70v-at-berkeley/eley/
[…] webÂcast with BriÂan Greene and some speÂcial guests: renowned theÂoÂretÂiÂcal physiÂcist Leonard Susskind (watch his theÂoÂretÂiÂcal physics coursÂes online) and Saul PerlÂmutÂter, winÂner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics. TogethÂer, they will “explore […]
if heat is enerÂgy then what is cold
If heat is enerÂgy right, meanÂing exotherÂmiÂcalÂly enerÂgy is givÂen off in the form of heat. But endotherÂmiÂcalÂly enerÂgy is absorb thus
creÂatÂing the surÂroundÂing to be in a less enerÂgy” temÂpreÂture state”.
to low volÂume.
Are there assignÂments to go with the lecÂtures?
What is the magÂnetÂic Mono-pole like?
ႊ့ႊႊDoes the God play the Dice Every day?
Hot Dark IlluÂsion
I’m the whole in the hole
withÂin the blackÂhole.
No place in parÂticÂuÂlar at all,
I’m entropy; smilÂing chaos,
I thrive and evapÂoÂrate;
I eraÂdiÂate and disÂsiÂpate,
where no sinÂgle thing exists;
I’m transÂforÂmaÂtion parÂtiÂcles.
Horizon’s reflecÂtion, refracÂtion,
I am two place at once;
I am matÂter and enerÂgy on the spot,
two and three dimenÂsionÂal.
I’m everyÂwhere and nowhere —
HigÂgs-Boson: GraviÂton-PhoÂton,
elecÂtrons all over the place.
Dark matÂter and dark enerÂgy.
I’m the sun turned inside out
I’m everyÂthing —
nothÂing at all
that holds bits of inforÂmaÂtion
that can’t be destroyed.
I’m a founÂtain that falls
into its own pool.
So my everyÂthing is nothÂing
leavÂing change on the counter
When buyÂing green-tea
on a hot day at the gift-shop
on the wall …
© RH Peat 5/31/2016