RecentÂly, Time MagÂaÂzine ran a piece called “LogÂging On to the Ivy League” that tells a stoÂry we’re all familÂiar with here — many major uniÂverÂsiÂties are now recordÂing coursÂes and makÂing them freely availÂable online. (See our full list of coursÂes here.) SomeÂwhat ironÂiÂcalÂly, the artiÂcle mostÂly feaÂtures coursÂes from non ivy league uniÂverÂsiÂties (BerkeÂley, StanÂford, MIT, etc.) But maybe I’m being too picky in menÂtionÂing that. PerÂhaps I should simÂply tell you what coursÂes Time likes best. (These are highÂlightÂed in the print ediÂtion.) First up: the often-menÂtioned physics coursÂes taught by MIT’s WalÂter Lewin (more on that here). Next, MarÂtin Lewis’ course, The GeogÂraÂphy of US ElecÂtions, which comes out of StanÂford ConÂtinÂuÂing StudÂies (my day job). LoyÂal readÂers will rememÂber that we feaÂtured Lewis’ course on Open CulÂture last fall. And then there’s MarÂiÂan DiaÂmond’s Human AnatoÂmy course. We’ve postÂed the first lecÂture of this popÂuÂlar UC BerkeÂley course above. You can access the comÂplete course via these links: iTunes — Feed — YouTube. Enjoy.
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