6 Lessons One Campus Learned About E‑Textbooks

A quick heads up: Jeff Young has an infor­ma­tive piece in The Chron­i­cle of High­er Edu­ca­tion on what hap­pened when one uni­ver­si­ty deliv­ered all text­books to stu­dents elec­tron­i­cal­ly. It’s def­i­nite­ly worth a read. Mean­while, on a relat­ed note, Walt Moss­berg, the Wall Street Jour­nal’s tech guru, does­n’t like the new Kin­dle DX very much. Ama­zon designed the super­sized e‑book read­er (see it here) to bring porta­bil­i­ty to text­books, news­pa­pers and oth­er peri­od­i­cals. If you get one, let us know your thoughts, whether pro or con.

via Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty Press on Twit­ter (Find us on Twit­ter here)

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  • Carol A says:

    I think the only way we will get the “bugs” out of any new tech­nol­o­gy is to actu­al­ly use it! There is a world of dif­fer­ence between a few tech­no-savvy users and the Mr/Ms Aver­age, who still havn’t quite mas­tered their microwave oven con­trols. Attend­ing a uni­ver­si­ty as a (very) mature age stu­dent I am amazed at the lack of com­put­er skills of the aver­age col­lege stu­dent!

  • Don Don says:

    “I am amazed at the lack of com­put­er skills of the aver­age col­lege stu­dent!”

    Could you offer a case or two?


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