Anne Frank’s Diary: From Reject Pile to Bestseller

We’re lucky to have Anne Frank’s diary — lucky that the diary was ever dis­cov­ered, and lucky, too, that some­one took a chance on pub­lish­ing the even­tu­al best­seller. This is all nice­ly out­lined by Francine Prose, who has a new book out called Anne Frank: The Book, The Life, The After­life. You can lis­ten to her full book talk here. And also be sure to see our recent post show­ing the only exist­ing video of Anne Frank. It’s now online.

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  • Anne Frank’s Diary has had an impact on many lives over the years, and I believe will con­tin­ue to do so in the years to come. She was, and will for­ev­er be, A Jour­nal­ist of Hope…

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.