When the Day Breaks

This short ani­mat­ed film, When the Day Breaks, comes to us via The Nation­al Film Board of Cana­da, which appears on our list of places to watch free movies online. (Scroll to the bot­tom of the page.) In this film direct­ed by Wendy Til­by and Aman­da For­bis, “Ruby the pig seeks affir­ma­tion in the city around her after wit­ness­ing the acci­den­tal death of a stranger… and finds it in sur­pris­ing places. With deft humour and fine­ly ren­dered detail, When the Day Breaks illu­mi­nates the links that con­nect our urban lives, while evok­ing the promise and fragili­ty of a new day.” Thanks Vic­to­ria for this nine min­utes of good­ness!

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.