J.D. Salinger Dies at 91

More sad news. J.D. Salinger, who brought us The Catch­er in the Rye, has died at 91. Here’s the ini­tial news release.

Boy, when you’re dead, they real­ly fix you up.  I hope to hell when I do die some­body has sense enough to just dump me in the riv­er or some­thing.  Any­thing except stick­ing me in a god­dam ceme­tery.  Peo­ple com­ing and putting a bunch of flow­ers on your stom­ach on Sun­day, and all that crap.  Who wants flow­ers when you’re dead?  Nobody.  ~J.D. Salinger, The Catch­er in the Rye, Chap­ter 20

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