Bill Gates on Energy: Innovating to Zero!

The major TED con­fer­ence wrapped up late last week. And now the videos start to roll out. Above Bill Gates (to quote TED) “unveils his vision for the world’s ener­gy future, describ­ing the need for mir­a­cles to avoid plan­e­tary cat­a­stro­phe and explain­ing why he’s back­ing a dra­mat­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent type of nuclear reac­tor. The nec­es­sary goal? Zero car­bon emis­sions glob­al­ly by 2050.”

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  • Jane Womack says:

    There will be no world by the year 2050. I am con­vinced that if an aster­oid has­n’t tak­en us out by then, the djinn we’ve let out of the bot­tle will have destroyed us (read: “We will have killed our­selves and our plan­et”) by then. Carpe diem! Ave atque vale!

  • Caspar Henderson says:

    It’s a com­pelling pre­sen­ta­tion. Per­haps the clean nuclear tech he describes will actu­al­ly work! Even if it it does, there’s still a case to answer that social inno­va­tion is as impor­tant as tech­ni­cal inno­va­tion. See, for exam­ple, David Roberts on Grist:–02-17-why-bill-gates-is-wrong-on-energy-and-climate/

  • Don't Fret, Reset says:

    Yes, it’s a com­pelling tale, IF:
    * to use Bil­l’s own ter­mi­nol­o­gy, you can rely upon his ‘WISH’ for a ‘MIRACLE’ com­ing true (they ARE his own choice of words!). And sor­ry Bil­ly, but the mod­ern com­put­er isn’t a mir­a­cle, as you well know; it is the cul­mi­na­tion of many decades’ work, or mil­leni­a’s if you include all the foun­da­tion­al prep.
    * you can blithe­ly ignore all of the con­text with­in which this mir­a­cle is sup­posed to hap­pen. (Hyper­pop­u­la­tion, peak ener­gy, peak resources, aware­ness of first world bank­rupt­cy due to fis­cal mis­ad­ven­ture)
    * You imag­ine that Bill Gates is an ‘expert’ who’s opin­ion is worth rever­ing, giv­en that his exper­tise is found­ed upon busi­ness mod­els of mas­sive wealth extrac­tion; glam­our dri­ven devel­op­ment (“look at our new Shiny ver­sion!”), renowned lack of indus­try co-oper­a­tion in favour of com­pe­ti­tion, resource con­sump­tion (would a ‘bet­ter’ Win­dows not run on ANY old com­put­er and the newest then make the best of resources avail­able?!)

    The indi­vid­ual and con­ver­gent effects of the issues we are now fac­ing in the 21st Cen­tu­ry make build­ing fur­ther super­man cas­tles in the sky the most fool­ish, short-ter­mist, tech­no dream. They are all pred­i­cat­ed upon abun­dance which we have already squan­dered.

    Look else­where for real­ism.

  • KT says:

    It’s his equa­tion that has me think­ing. He men­tions that vac­cines, health care, and fam­i­ly plan­ning will reduce the pop­u­la­tion. Should not vac­cines and health care increase the pop­u­la­tion?

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