Great mesÂsage. Give it a minute to get going. PerÂformed by TayÂlor Mali at the BowÂery PoetÂry Club on NovemÂber 12, 2005. Thanks Thomas for sharÂing.
This clip is now added to our YouTube favorites.
in Education | February 4th, 2010 2 Comments
Great mesÂsage. Give it a minute to get going. PerÂformed by TayÂlor Mali at the BowÂery PoetÂry Club on NovemÂber 12, 2005. Thanks Thomas for sharÂing.
This clip is now added to our YouTube favorites.
by OC | Permalink | Comments (2) |
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An oldie but a goodÂie.
TayÂlor Mali was magÂnifÂiÂcentÂly articÂuÂlate in his effort to clarÂiÂfy both the role and ratioÂnal of those who take up the manÂtle of a “Teacher.” This clip ought to be viewed in every home across AmerÂiÂca. Thank you TayÂlor, for your serÂvice to your ComÂmuÂniÂty and Our CounÂtry in preparÂing chilÂdren for the future, and thank you Open CulÂture for bringÂing his voice to the rest of us.