This aniÂmatÂed footage gives you a more globÂal view of the Chilean earthÂquake in action. Seen from this vanÂtage point, there’s a cerÂtain beauÂty to MothÂer Nature in action. Waves ripÂpling across the PacifÂic, as if a stone were thrown into a calm pond. But, obviÂousÂly, for those expeÂriÂencÂing the earthÂquake on the ground, it’s a very difÂferÂent and tragÂic stoÂry.
Any idea what the timescale is in this video? Does this repÂreÂsent someÂthing like a full day in the 1 min. and 15 sec. video?
Time is in the top-right corÂner. Video repÂreÂsents 30 hours.