For cenÂturies, artists and archiÂtects have used some well-known geoÂmetÂriÂcal and mathÂeÂmatÂiÂcal forÂmuÂlas to guide their work: The FibonacÂci Series and SpiÂral, The GoldÂen and Angle Ratios, The Delauney TriÂanÂguÂlaÂtion and Voronoi TesÂselÂlaÂtions, etc. These forÂmuÂlas have a realÂiÂty beyond the minds of mathÂeÂmatiÂcians. They present themÂselves in nature, and that’s what a SpanÂish filmÂmakÂer, CristĂłbal Vila, wantÂed to capÂture with this short film, Nature by NumÂbers. You can learn more about the movie at the filmÂmakÂer’s web site, and also find his latÂest film here: InspiÂraÂtions: A Short Film CelÂeÂbratÂing the MathÂeÂmatÂiÂcal Art of M.C. EschÂer.
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This is comÂpleteÂly and utterÂly awsome!!!!
AbsoluteÂly wonÂder-filled! As a newÂbie phoÂtogÂraÂphÂer I’ve become more and more aware of the geomeÂtries like those in the sunÂflower cenÂter. Thanks for sharÂing this.
wonÂderÂfulÂly made…
This is such a poignant and artÂfulÂly conÂcise illusÂtraÂtion of a conÂcept so comÂplex we may nevÂer fulÂly underÂstand it. Well done!!!
BeauÂtiÂful work, attenÂtive to details that take us long to realÂize. The presÂence of mathÂeÂmatÂics and geomÂeÂtry in nature is someÂthing strikÂing, I conÂclude that we know nothÂing. Although I was already aware of it, the beauÂty of this filmÂmakÂer’s demonÂstraÂtion increased my too simÂple notion. Thank you!