A litÂtle belatÂed someÂthing for World Water Day (yesÂterÂday): NationÂal GeoÂgraphÂic has released a speÂcial issue that delves into the chalÂlenges facÂing our most essenÂtial natÂurÂal resource. “Water: Our Thirsty World” will be soon availÂable at newsÂstands everyÂwhere. But, right now, you can now downÂload a free interÂacÂtive verÂsion that includes all of the print magÂaÂzine conÂtent, plus lots of extra online goodÂies. The free downÂload requires regÂisÂtraÂtion and is availÂable only until April 2.
A great find by Maria PopoÂva aka @brainpicker
I want to facilÂiÂtate the pubÂlic.
Is there any way for me to receive an email copy of the digÂiÂtal downÂload? I missed that downÂload deadÂline by quite a few days, nay help would be beyond appreÂciÂatÂed!
Thank you for addressÂing this
imporÂtant topÂic. PerÂhaps your artiÂcle will help to perÂsuade the pubÂlic that
we need to limÂit or reduce human popÂuÂlaÂtion in order to safe guard the planÂet and the future.
Peace not peaces
What an amazÂing magÂaÂzine!
Is there any way for me to receive an email copy of the digÂiÂtal downÂload?
I am studyÂing soil and water now, so i need to know very much about water sciÂences. please someÂone give to me the link. you can email me at~ musolla90@gmail.com.
Is there any way I can still get a copy of this downÂload ? we are a GerÂman comÂpaÂny proÂducÂing desaliÂnaÂtion units for rurÂal areas, using solar & wind enerÂgy.
I am very interÂestÂed in getÂting my hands on this copy.
Thanks for your help.
F Eller
Very interÂestÂing artiÂcle. In my opinÂion there is plenÂty of water for our use, we just need to learn how to harÂness all of the water availÂable. This will come as we conÂtinÂue to study the issue. If you are interÂestÂed in going back to school use studentservicesdepartment.com for help in choosÂing the best school for your needs.