The iPad eBook Reader: Some First Reactions

Yes­ter­day morn­ing, I head­ed to the Palo Alto Apple Store, spent an hour wait­ing in line, then final­ly gained entrance to the store. And who entered along­side me? Steve Jobs! An aus­pi­cious begin­ning. I left with a 32 gig iPad, took it home, and start­ed play­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly with the eBook read­er. Here are my very ear­ly impres­sions:

15 months ago, I bought a Kin­dle and returned it. I just could­n’t read with it at night (a non-starter for me), and fig­ured that Apple would even­tu­al­ly get it right. Well, they large­ly have. The iPad ini­tial­ly feels a lit­tle heavy. But, it’s actu­al­ly no heav­ier than your aver­age hard­back book. Plus it’s fair­ly easy to hold. Score one for the iPad.

Then, when you fire up the eBook read­er, you instant­ly like what you see. The fonts are crisp, and the images are in col­or, which means that you can read chil­dren’s books, comics and oth­er graph­ic inten­sive texts. Plus, you can change the size and kind of the font. You can adjust the bright­ness of the screen. And, in some cas­es, you can even alter the back­ground col­or of the screen. (Most of this you can’t do with the Kin­dle.) All of this con­tributes to a read­er-friend­ly screen that’s easy on the eyes. And, yes, I can read with this device at night. (Read­ers make oth­er good obser­va­tions in the com­ments below.)

How about buy­ing books for the iPad? Well, it’s pret­ty easy. Both Apple and Ama­zon sell books for the device, with prices gen­er­al­ly rang­ing between $9.99 and $12.99. Rather notably, they also offer access to a siz­able col­lec­tion of free books in the pub­lic domain. (You can get more free­bies here, too.) Over­all, Ama­zon has a much larg­er inven­to­ry, and their books tend to be cheap­er. But oth­er­wise these are pret­ty sim­i­lar ser­vices. And, because Apple now has a far supe­ri­or device, you have to won­der whether this is the begin­ning of a big shift in the book mar­ket. In five years, Ama­zon might not be quite the behe­moth it is today — some­thing that’s prob­a­bly let­ting Steve Jobs sleep eas­i­er than Jeff Bezos at night.

A final point worth men­tion­ing here: Nei­ther com­pa­ny will let you have true own­er­ship over the books you buy. Both ven­dors lock down their books, dic­tate the oper­at­ing envi­ron­ments in which you can read them, and con­trol the user inter­faces that shape the read­ing expe­ri­ence. (PC World has more on that here.) You don’t have much ulti­mate con­trol over the under­ly­ing file. So the upshot is that you had bet­ter like the iPad (or Kin­dle) read­ing expe­ri­ence before decid­ing to amass a large and cost­ly library.

Now for a few ran­dom obser­va­tions:

1) The  video gen­er­al­ly looks great (unless, of course, it’s pro­duced in Flash). I was real­ly impressed with the qual­i­ty of YouTube videos, and Net­flix movies (free app here) stream over the iPad rather bril­liant­ly.

2) On the down­side, I found typ­ing on the iPad to be rather dif­fi­cult — even more so than typ­ing on an iPhone. The device is large enough that it’s hard to stretch your fin­gers to reach var­i­ous keys. Maybe I will get a hang of it. But, for now, it’s unwieldy.

3) The New York Times and Wall Street Jour­nal have devel­oped new apps for the iPad, and they deliv­er a pleas­ant read­ing expe­ri­ence, to be sure. But I don’t see this sud­den­ly mak­ing con­sumers any more (or less) will­ing to pay. The con­cept of the iPad sav­ing the news­pa­per indus­try seems fair­ly over­played, I’m sor­ry to say.

4) Is this a must-have device? Or just nice-to-have? Right now, I’m inclined toward the lat­ter (and so is Slate). Aside from the eBook read­er, your home com­put­er or smart phone can accom­plish most of what the iPad can. How­ev­er, the iPad will rapid­ly dif­fer­en­ti­ate itself. It will become a nice low-cost, portable com­put­er — one that lets you store data in the cloud, and pro­vides access to a large vol­ume of cheap or free soft­ware (at least more than your aver­age con­sumer nor­mal­ly gets). Give it a year. Wait for the flood of apps to come. Wait for inno­v­a­tive soft­ware devel­op­ers to extract the poten­tial of this machine, and wait for Apple to make the iPad lighter, cheap­er, and even faster. Right now, it’s not a game chang­er. But it will be down the line.

Are you a new iPad own­er? Have any thoughts in gen­er­al? Or par­tic­u­lar­ly about the eBook read­er? Add them to the com­ments below, or send them our way. We look for­ward to hear­ing what you have to say …

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Comments (39)
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  • wordord says:

    Apple says this is not only an e‑book read­er, but also a “pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tool”. But as far as I under­stand (after read­ing the man­u­al here: ) it’s impos­si­ble to read pdf files oth­er than as e‑mail attach­ments or con­vert­ed to e‑pub in a “real” com­put­er (down­load­ing from the web is a no-no?), *and* it’s impos­si­ble to copy text from web pages (such as the URL I past­ed in here ear­li­er) — so how exact­ly are we sup­posed to use the iPad as a pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tool?

  • Hi Dan, thanks for kick­ing off the dis­cus­sion. Though ear­ly days, this is a game chang­er in terms of how we nav­i­gate, con­sume, and how sites will design for this unique dis­play and inter­ac­tion. There’s still room to grow for how we pro­duce and con­tribute. Let’s just say that the Web has nev­er looked bet­ter than on this device. It’s like look­ing at vin­tage pho­tog­ra­phy at MoMA, gor­geous­ly framed and lit.

    Focus­ing on iBooks, a few thoughts:

    1) Pro­vid­ing a free starter book was very nice. That it is clas­sic Win­nie-the-Pooh with illus­tra­tions by Ernest H. Shep­ard is one of those thought­ful touch­es. Hav­ing recent­ly read this to my son, it’s great that this won­der­ful book will get renewed atten­tion. The device as part of bed­time sto­ries — what a smart way to inte­grate with the fam­i­ly and con­nect emo­tion­al­ly.

    2) Flip­ping pages is intu­itive and grace­ful. One excel­lent detail — also uti­lized in the Maps app — is the way text/imagery bleeds through the back of turn­ing pages. Very very cool. The slid­er at bot­tom makes jump­ing ahead/back easy. How­ev­er, I wish there were a way to flip-scan through using ges­tures much like you would in a book­store.

    3) Chang­ing fonts is a nice option, though Ver­dana on most lit­er­a­ture looks very wrong (Ver­dana is for the Web).

    4) I wish there was a way to pinch-zoom into book cov­ers on the shelf or even to “shut” the eBook to peruse. Book cov­ers are art, often icon­ic, and help sell a book. Please don’t lose this impor­tant aspect of books.

    5) The iBook­store is a bit lim­it­ed, some­what like an air­port book­store at launch. How­ev­er, they have Bukows­ki! Not my favorite Rebec­ca Sol­nit (Riv­er of Shad­ows), but 3 oth­er titles. The choic­es will only grow. Like you, I also won­der how Bezos feels about all this.

    6) The free sam­ples are pret­ty gen­er­ous. 25–50 ini­tial pages of Bukows­ki, Ker­ouac’s On The Road, etc.

    7) The search with­in fea­ture works very well. I quick­ly jumped to “Song of Myself” in Leaves of Grass. Search­ing for just “song” is a very inter­est­ing glance of Whit­man’s use of the word in his poet­ry.

    Wrap­ping up, peo­ple often like to pit hard­copy books to eBooks, eg., “you can’t curl up with a screen”, etc. This miss­es the point. eBooks are just anoth­er way to read. One impor­tant excep­tion: I think tablets will sin­gle-hand­ed­ly revive com­ic books. ’nuff said.

  • Thanks for the sum­ma­ry. I would nev­er under­es­ti­mate the abil­i­ty of apple to cre­ate a game-chang­er, so I can’t speak to that. I real­ly think that will be based on peo­ple’s per­cep­tion of it rather than what it actu­al­ly does. There’s no ques­tion that it does enough to poten­tial­ly dom­i­nate, but so have many, many appli­ca­tions that failed to do so.

    I would hap­pi­ly buy an IPad in the future if it offers enough com­pelling val­ue as I’m pret­ty agnos­tic about apple. For now, I’ll stick with my lap­top and a ded­i­cat­ed eread­er. I’m curi­ous how a screen designed like theirs can be as easy on the eyes as e‑ink. Maybe it’s a mat­ter of per­son­al pref­er­ence, but I know that most screens take a lot more out of my eyes than either the kin­dle or a paper book. I love read­ing with the kin­dle at night (with a small light of course).

  • Bob Price says:

    Dan, good report. I find your opin­ions a bit fair­er than some of the folks seed­ed with iPads. On your com­ment: “Nei­ther com­pa­ny will let you have true own­er­ship over the books you buy”., I’m not sure we’ll see any val­ue in that in the com­ing future, and, maybe more to the point, we don’t have it now. If we’re com­par­ing to a codex type pub­li­ca­tion it would seem there’s no way to cut and paste either. Rights are dif­fi­cult to exer­cise in that case.

  • I think the real deal-break­er for me is how eas­i­ly you can read out­doors in sun­light. Have you tried this with your ipad? My Kin­dle is a joy to read out­side, and requires only one hand to hold and turn pages for long peri­ods of time. I can also make notes on my books while I’m read­ing on the Kin­dle.

    The Kin­dle also has a book­store that I can access from my com­put­er, as well as the abil­i­ty to play mp3s while I read.

    I could see pos­si­bly invest­ing in the future, but I’m more impressed with my Kin­dle right now.

  • Jonathan says:

    Inter­est­ing. Con­sid­er­ing the read­er apps avail­able on most phones for free and the open source ones at that maybe the next review should be of some­thing along that line. I am no fan of arti­fi­cial fruit so I am a bit biased. I have start­ed using an HTC Android device and have found the free ebook selec­tion attached to some of the apps to be sub­stan­tial. On top of that the abil­i­ty to share them with friends and note copy paste etc. makes it a far pre­ferred envi­ron­ment. Being able to read at night should be a no brain­er. I am suprised at the Kindle’s lack in this area.

  • One does­n’t read paper books at night with­out light either. Many of us pre­fer not to have flash­lights from glow­ing screens shin­ing in our eyes.

  • Dan Colman says:

    When I bought the Kin­dle, I found that I had to use far more light than with a tra­di­tion­al book. I cranked up every light in the room, plus added a book light, and the Kin­dle page still felt murky and dim. At a cer­tain point, it just felt ridicu­lous and I sent it back.


  • iPad is great prod­uct. Skype is also plan­ning to release its mes­sen­ger for iPad. Read more at

  • Ron says:

    “Both Apple and Ama­zon sell books for the device, with prices gen­er­al­ly rang­ing between $9.99 and $12.99.”

    So is Ama­zon sell­ing books in epub for­mat? Or are you say­ing that you can read Ama­zon books on the iPad with the Ama­zon Read­er app? If so did you see any dif­fer­ences in func­tion­al­i­ty between the iBooks and Ama­zon Read­er?

  • dfrancis says:

    I’m return­ing my ipad. It is noth­ing more than an expen­sive inter­face to the Apple store (itunes and ibooks) since you can­not trans­fer your own files (txt, doc, pdf or oth­er­wise) to the ipad it is use­less for any­thing but buy­ing from apple — that sucks! so Apple’s greed and short-sight­ed­ness, in my opin­ion, turns out to be the ipad killer.

  • Isaac says:

    dfran­cis is wrong. You can trans­fer files using iTunes. Just like on the iPhone.

  • dfrancis says:

    I don’t know what files you’re refer­ring to but you can’t trans­fer any ebooks what­so­ev­er and as far as mp3s go I have my mp3 play­er and don’t need a 700 dol­lar (plus) Ipad to play music.

  • Sheryl Zeunert says:

    Hi Dan,
    Great review. Can you check ebooks out from the library on the iPaD? I have a Sony E Read­er and love being able to down­load library books. I was sur­prised when my friend with a Kin­dle could­n’t check books out. I was won­der­ing if you can with the IPaD?

  • There’s no way I’m ever, ever buy­ing a “read­er” that charges mon­ey for the con­tent but won’t let me cut-and-paste from it with­out restric­tions. As a non-fic­tion writer, that’s more than half the point of these devices.

    These f–kers are sim­ply goug­ing peo­ple.

  • Wes Alwan says:

    Great post; a few (rough) notes on my expe­ri­ences fol­low.

    – I real­ly like the key­board. I can touch type 60 wpm in land­scape mode (about 20wpm less than on a reg­u­lar key­board; see a sim­i­lar expe­ri­ence to mine here: And I can thumb type in land­scape or por­trait at about 25wpm (same as the iphone). I’ve tried a lot of tablets and this is the first one I’ve been able to touch-type on. (And it’s the first one that’s been usable at all in fact — tablets have tra­di­tion­al­ly been cursed because they’re too slow to pro­vide a seam­less expe­ri­ence; Win­dows is not designed for a touch expe­ri­ence; non-capac­i­tive touch-screens were nev­er sen­si­tive enough (and until recent­ly required a sty­lus); and bat­tery life was hor­ri­ble. I went through a num­ber of mod­els look­ing for some­thing to read and anno­tate pdfs on with­out frus­tra­tion — with­out the thing freez­ing up when try­ing to run Adobe Pro­fes­sion­al, with­out fre­quent wrong clicks and failed anno­ta­tions, etc. No go. I’m look­ing for­ward to see­ing how well the HP Slate, Dell Streak, and Notion Ink han­dle all of these issues).

    – I use iAn­no­tate to read and anno­tate pdfs on the iPad (and iphone). High­light­ing, ink­ing, under­lin­ing, etc. It’s superb, and syncs wire­less­ly both ways to your home com­put­er so you can access any pdf and then sync the anno­tat­ed ver­sion back wire­less­ly after edit­ing. Also, you can use it to save, open, and edit any pdf email attach­ment. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it’s not able to open pdfs down­loaded from the Web yet — it should be able to do this, and I’m hop­ing this prob­lem be fixed in an update.

    – Word doc­u­ments attached to emails and down­loaded from the web can be saved/opened/edited in Pages. And con­tra word­word (first com­ment), you can in fact copy and paste text from the Web; so you could copy into quick­of­fice, Pages, or some oth­er app and read/annotate to your heart’s con­tent (I do this all the time on the iphone). There’s also Instapa­per, a great way to save and read web pages lat­er that unfor­tu­nate­ly does­n’t allow anno­ta­tion.

    – I use both the Kin­dle app and the iBooks app. I also have a kin­dle device. I real­ly did­n’t think that an LCD screen could com­pete with e‑ink (eye-fatigue), but I’m rethink­ing that. iBooks is a superb expe­ri­ence, and there are plen­ty of free non-DRM’ed books that you can down­load. And have tons of etexts that are eas­i­ly con­vert­ed into .epubs and trans­ferred to the iPad (I’ve done that with a few with­out any prob­lems). Fur­ther, you can copy and paste from non-DRM’d texts. For DRM’d texts I would stick to the kindle/kindle app — more anno­ta­tion capa­bil­i­ties and the abil­i­ty to copy and paste pas­sages (not to men­tion sync across mul­ti­ple devices).

    – A note to dfran­cis above — yes, you can trans­fer epubs, pdfs, docs, etc. to the ipad at will — unfor­tu­nate­ly it’s not imme­di­ate­ly obvi­ous how to do that, but googling the top­ic will quick­ly show you how; addi­tion­al­ly, the rel­e­vant third-par­ty apps also pro­vide means of wire­less trans­fer that bypass itunes if you like.

    – I’m wait­ing for the iPad ver­sion of quick­of­fice, which on my iPhone allows me to edit doc­u­ments (doc, xls, ppt) that I’ve stored in Drop­box (and saves back to the serv­er auto­mat­i­cal­ly); I use Drop­box to sync files across all my com­put­ers and to the cloud. (And there’s a free drop­box app to view any of these files, includ­ing pdfs — but I use the afore­men­tioned pro­grams because I need to be able to edit).

    – I use iTele­port VNC (and log­mein igni­tion) to remote­ly con­trol my desk­top com­put­er and use any appli­ca­tion on it from my iPad (and it gives me access to all three of my mon­i­tors).

    – Over­all: I’m very hap­py with the iPad. The inter­face is a game-chang­er — beau­ti­ful, a plea­sure to use, and I think the first real­ly usable tablet. It’s not for mul­ti­task­ing and work-work unless you want to do that via remote desk­top (I can hard­ly stand to use a lap­top for those pur­pos­es — I need a desk­top and mul­ti­ple mon­i­tors). But for read­ing, surf­ing the Web, tak­ing notes, blog­ging, watch­ing movies, lis­ten­ing to music, gam­ing, and even writ­ing the nov­el — absolute­ly.

  • Dan Colman says:

    Hi Sheryl,

    I actu­al­ly don’t know the answer to that ques­tion. But when I find out, I will ping you.

    Hi Michael,

    I take your point. As you can tell from my post, I have some mixed feel­ings about the iPad, espe­cial­ly on this front. The fact that you can’t ful­ly own and con­trol the text you buy is a major prob­lem, though I sus­pect this will even­tu­al­ly change. Apple is (mild­ly) push­ing to get rid of DRM for music. Hope­ful­ly they will do the same for etexts.


  • eva knodt says:

    Hi Dan,
    great review! Pret­ty much jives with my first impres­sion try­ing it out live. The apple store in Palo Alto was less crowd­ed last night, but Stevee Jobs was con­spic­u­ous­ly absent.

    I did not buy one. How­ev­er.…

    I was impressed with the eBook func­tions, even if it did noth­ing else, would con­sid­er get­ting it down the road (maybe rev 3.0).

    Cou­ple of ques­tion I have for you:

    Can you anno­tate the books in the epub for­mat (the ones in the apple library).

    Can you tap into the vast google open domain book library? If find the google for­mat on my com­put­er incred­i­bly cum­ber­some to read and nav­i­gate.

    If yoy down­load one of these google books (will it let you), is it straigt pdf? One huge file? Or Is it being con­vert­ed into epub for­mat? Or is it the same clunky for­mat that google uses for online view­ing? Can you anno­tate and search these?

    Some ran­dom obser­va­tions to close:

    I wish they would make the bot­tom flat so it will hold still and not wig­gle arond while you are fum­bling with that key­board.

    How do you find he inser­tion point with­out a mouse? Can you use a blue­tooth mini mouse with it?

    I am a cat per­son. I hate using the track pad on my lap­top. I will nev­er con­sid­er a world with­out mice..

  • Ivan says:

    I like the most parts of IPAD. I con­sid­er it is a mul­ti­me­dia dis­play plat­form rather than a replace­ment of net­book or Kin­dle. I still use my Kin­dle for ebooks sim­ply for the e‑Ink screen, which is much eas­i­er for my eye for long hour read­ing espe­cial­ly after 10 hours of star­ing the mon­i­tor at work. The lighter weight of Kin­dle is anoth­er plus. I don’t enjoy hold­ing the Ipad for more than 30 mins of read­ing with­out some­thing to sup­port the weight. Com­pare to a netbook/laptop, the Ipad is def­i­nite­ly not a replace­ment. Its more on dis­play­ing things rather than cre­at­ing. Yes it has thou­sands of apps but most of them are not on the same pro­fes­sion­al lev­el as the apps on a lap­top. As for the video part, I am not crazy about watch­ing movies on a 9″ screen with mono speak­er. How­ev­er, despite all the short­com­ings, it is a very nice addi­tion to your gad­gets as a mul­ti­me­dia dis­play­er. It is beau­ti­ful to show pho­tos to your friends and fam­i­ly. It has the best PDF read­ing expe­ri­ence as a portable device (if install GoodRead­er for Ipad). Read­ing PDF/Comics/Magazines are the main rea­son for me to keep it. I hope in the future it can sup­port Flash which will great­ly open up its usage for web brows­ing. Web cam would be a nice addi­tion for video con­fer­ence. Anoth­er huge poten­tial for Ipad is to use it as a trav­el guide!

  • Ipad is not a hype.Millions are sold in less than a month and demand will increase in a few month.

  • Thanks for post­ing the info about PDFs on iPads. More and more peo­ple are ask­ing “how-to” and we agree Goodread­er works well on the iPad for Qui­et­Guides, guid­ed tours (like ebooks with images) for mobile.

  • Ben says:

    I agree with the folks who buy the iPad, take it home, and real­ize too late what they have in their hands. It has beau­ti­ful aes­thet­ics, but deep down it’s an imma­ture device. More like a proof of con­cept. The con­cept is that Steve Jobs can sell any­thing. What you’re hold­ing is not much more than a pet rock. It has so many lim­i­ta­tions, that for just about any­thing except the most basic kind of stand-alone games, the device is seri­ous­ly impaired. Right now it’s a fad. Ver­sion 2.0, maybe 3.0 will prob­a­bly get it right. I think it’s one of the best dig­i­tal pic­ture frames on the mar­ket. Add blue­tooth and it would win hands down.

  • leviev says:

    the i pad can do any­thing i love it so much

  • Bill Conti says:

    I pur­chased an iPad last week, and I have to say I’m very pleased with it. I pri­mar­i­ly pur­chased it to replace a Fujit­su tablet I was using and although the tablet PC is more func­tion­al, I love to read, and buy­ing a ded­i­cat­ed ebook read­er did­n’t make sense. I did find a site that offers unlim­it­ed ebook down­loads for a flat fee…

  • Mike says:

    Great review, thanks for shar­ing this infor­ma­tion. Get­ting ebooks from Ama­zon and itunes makes it that much eas­i­er.

  • Mike says:

    I like my iPad. Of course, it is a 1st gen prod­uct and as such has some lim­i­ta­tions. Give it a few iter­a­tions and I could see it being a note­book replace­ment for some peo­ple. To the per­son com­plaint about not being able to copy text out of iBooks. You can copy text from non-DRM books. It is only DRM books that you can’t copy text from. Thank the pub­lish­ers for that.

  • JReader says:

    I myself an a recent Nook own­er, which so far I am very pleased with. I per­son­al­ly enjoy hav­ing the ded­i­cat­ed device so that when I read, I focus strict­ly on read­ing and do not have the temp­ta­tion to wan­der onto some­thing else. I have seen the iPad, its very nice, but from the peo­ple I know that have and use them, for most it has become just and over­priced toy unfor­tu­nate­ly. The prod­uct has capa­bil­i­ties, but I don’t think the major­i­ty of buy­ers quite get that yet.

    My rea­sons for not going with the iPad in gen­er­al, was the lack of scal­a­bil­i­ty in Apple prod­ucts. Apple cre­ates a prod­uct, they know you will want to replace when they cre­ate anoth­er one. In essence, for each iter­a­tion of an Apple prod­uct, you are pay­ing for the same prod­uct over and over. They got the eco­nom­ics of sell­ing elec­tron­ics down pat imo. But I like my Nook, because I have native access to mul­ti­ple ebook for­mats and can upgrade how much stor­age my device has and even replace the bat­tery if ever need­ed. I won’t need to buy anoth­er one, just because they decide to add more stor­age.

    But to each their own. If you enjoy your pur­chase, then you made a wise pur­chase.

  • marylebone says:

    I’m using Kin­dle for PC while await­ing a real Kin­dle DX and won­der­ing it any eRead­er will work for me. Is the iPad much bet­ter? Should I return the Kin­dle and pur­chase a dif­fer­ent eRead­er?

    I want to read as I do on the com­put­er, i.e, scroll line-by-line instead of page-by-page, copy-and-paste inter­est­ing pas­sages so I can incor­po­rate in attrib­uted writ­ings. Eas­i­ly cnp pub­lish­ing infor­ma­tion as cita­tions for papers.

    I want to be able to print what I have writ­ten (Kin­dle will save my “notes” or high­lights but does­n’t seem to per­mit print­ing).

    And I want to be able to con­nect the eRead­er to a com­put­er or, at least, a mon­i­tor and a print­er.

    Can iPad work this way? How about the Kin­dle or the Sony eRead­er?

    Thanks for your help.


  • iPad is much bet­ter than oth­er eRead­ers. Some doc­tors even used in Surgery as a dis­play for the cam­era inside body, cool Gad­get.

  • suzi says:

    You can email epubs and pdfs to your­self and then read on the iPhone or iPad either by open­ing from the email or select­ing the option to open in iBooks — sim­ple!

  • suzi says:

    oh and if you don’t have ebooks in pdf or epub — just use a con­vert­er such as Cal­i­bre (free) it will con­vert any for­mat to any for­mat :o)

  • david mayers says:

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