Long before 60 MinÂutes, Mike WalÂlace hostÂed his own talk show, The Mike WalÂlace InterÂview (1957 — 1960), where he asked probÂing quesÂtions to celebriÂties of the day. The comÂplete archive – now availÂable via the UniÂverÂsiÂty of Texas (access it here) – feaÂtures interÂviews with Frank Lloyd Wright, Eleanor RooÂsevelt, SalÂvador Dali, ReinÂhold Niebuhr, Aldous HuxÂley, and HenÂry Kissinger, to name a few. In anothÂer notable interÂview, WalÂlace talked with BenÂnett Cerf (watch here), co-founder of the pubÂlishÂing giant RanÂdom House, and evenÂtuÂalÂly the conÂverÂsaÂtion turned to cenÂsorÂship. CerÂf’s comÂments date back more than 50 years, but the issue nevÂer realÂly goes away. File under: “Plus ça change, plus c’est la mĂŞme chose.”
WALLACE: Well, yet you say, one of the greatÂest threats facÂing book pubÂlishÂing and the entire counÂtry is cenÂsorÂship.
CERF: That’s right.
WALLACE: What is the… Who does the cenÂsorÂing, and what is the motive of those who cenÂsor?
CERF: Well, now that would take a lot of exploÂration Mike. I think there are an awful lot of peoÂple in this counÂtry, who are not satÂisÂfied to govÂern themÂselves and their own famÂiÂlies. Or the peoÂple who belong to the same cult that they do, but who have takÂen upon themÂselves, to tell everyÂbody else what they should read, what they should see, and what they should think.
WALLACE: For what reaÂson do they do it?
CERF: I guess, they think it will make them more sure of getÂting to heavÂen. I don’t know why they do it. I think they’re sellÂing short, the good taste of the AmerÂiÂcan pubÂlic.
WALLACE: Who are these peoÂple, who would like to inflict this kind of cenÂsorÂship upon the AmerÂiÂcan pubÂlic? What are the groups?
CERF: Self-appointÂed snoop hounds.
WALLACE: Such as… such as…
CERF: They come from all… walks of life, er… in all the way back to coloÂnial days, and in times of the PuriÂtans. There were peoÂple who were telling othÂers, what they most think, how they must behave, and what their morals must be. These peoÂple canÂnot resist butting in.
via Richard S.