The Stanford Mini Med School: The Complete Collection

Image by King of Hearts, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

Through­out the past year, Stanford’s School of Med­i­cine and Stan­ford Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies (my day job) teamed up to offer The Stan­ford Mini Med School. Fea­tur­ing more than thir­ty dis­tin­guished fac­ul­ty, sci­en­tists, and physi­cians, this year­long series of cours­es (three in total) offered stu­dents a dynam­ic intro­duc­tion to the world of human biol­o­gy, health and dis­ease, and the ground­break­ing changes tak­ing place in med­ical research and health care. Now you can watch these lec­tures for free. The fall and win­ter lec­tures (20 lec­tures in total) are com­plete­ly avail­able online. And the spring lec­tures are get­ting rolled out start­ing this week. You can access the full lec­tures series in mul­ti­ple for­mats below:

  • Fall 2009, The Dynam­ics of Human Health — iTunesYouTube — Web Site
  • Win­ter 2009, Human Health and the Fron­tiers of Sci­ence — iTunesYouTube — Web Site
  • Spring 2010, Trans­form­ing Our Under­stand­ing of Human Health and Dis­ease — iTunes — Web Site

The entire series also appears in our col­lec­tion of Free Online Cours­es.

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  • Hank says:

    dan, just a gen­er­al com­ment unre­lat­ed to this par­tic­u­lar post. there seems to be a short­age of posts by or con­cern­ing women. there was meryl streeps’ grad talk, the bronte sis­ters thing.… some­thing to keep in mind, maybe? there’s no get­ting away from pol­i­tics.

  • Sarah says:

    Dan — Keep up the GREAT WORK! And please don’t wor­ry about gen­der-based con­tent. As long as the con­tent is exem­plar the rest will come.

  • zwgraphici says:

    women still are invin­si­ble it seems

  • adeleye musa says:

    I’d real­ly love to learn more about med­ical advance­ment and intrin­ca­cies from your arrays of sea­soned professionals.thanking you all for job well-done.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.