This amazÂing litÂtle video charts the locaÂtion of every asterÂoid disÂcovÂered since 1980. As we move into the 1990s, the rate of disÂcovÂery picks up quite draÂmatÂiÂcalÂly because we’re now workÂing with vastÂly improved sky scanÂning sysÂtems. And that means that you will espeÂcialÂly want to watch the secÂond half of the video. Below the jump, I’ve pastÂed some more inforÂmaÂtion that explains what you’re seeÂing. Thanks to @WesAlwan and Mike for sendÂing this great litÂtle clip our way.
via GizÂmoÂdo
“View of the solar sysÂtem showÂing the locaÂtions of all the asterÂoids startÂing in 1980, as asterÂoids are disÂcovÂered they are added to the map and highÂlightÂed white so you can pick out the new ones.
The final colour of an asterÂoids indiÂcates how closeÂly it comes to the inner solar sysÂtem.
Earth Crossers are Red
Earth ApproachÂers (PerÂiÂheÂlion less than 1.3AU) are YelÂlow
All OthÂers are Green
Notice now the patÂtern of disÂcovÂery folÂlows the Earth around its orbit, most disÂcovÂerÂies are made in the region directÂly oppoÂsite the Sun. You’ll also notice some clusÂters of disÂcovÂerÂies on the line between Earth and Jupiter, these are the result of surÂveys lookÂing for JovÂian moons. SimÂiÂlar clusÂters of disÂcovÂerÂies can be tied to the othÂer outÂer planÂets, but those are not visÂiÂble in this video.
As the video moves into the mid 1990’s we see much highÂer disÂcovÂery rates as autoÂmatÂed sky scanÂning sysÂtems come online. Most of the surÂveys are imagÂing the sky directÂly oppoÂsite the sun and you’ll see a region of high disÂcovÂery rates aligned in this manÂner.
At the beginÂning of 2010 a new disÂcovÂery patÂtern becomes eviÂdent, with disÂcovÂery zones in a line perÂpenÂdicÂuÂlar to the Sun-Earth vecÂtor. These new obserÂvaÂtions are the result of the WISE (WideÂfield Infrared SurÂvey ExplorÂer) which is a space misÂsion that’s tasked with imagÂing the entire sky in infrared waveÂlengths.
CurÂrentÂly we have observed over half a milÂlion minor planÂets, and the disÂcovÂery rates snow no sign that we’re runÂning out of undisÂcovÂered objects.”
This explanaÂtoÂry text comes from this YouTube page.
InterÂestÂing. I wonÂder how they keep track of all of those ranÂdom pieces of rock floatÂing around our solar sysÂtem?