Sir David Frost Interviews Julian Assange Upon Release from Jail

Let me pref­ace things by say­ing this will like­ly be our last Wik­iLeaks post for a while. Don’t want to slip into Wik­iLeaks overkill. With that said…

Yes­ter­day, Sir David Frost land­ed the first tele­vi­sion inter­view with Julian Assange since his release from a Lon­don jail. The 24 minute inter­view aired on Al Jazeera Eng­lish (where Frost hosts a show called Frost Over the World) and pret­ty quick­ly they dive into some impor­tant ques­tions: Do gov­ern­ments have the right to keep state secrets? And do media orga­ni­za­tions have the right to divulge such secrets? Assum­ing so, where (if any­where) must jour­nal­ists draw the line? Why has Wik­iLeaks recent­ly tak­en aim at the Unit­ed States? Is it fair to char­ac­ter­ize Wik­iLeaks as an anar­chic orga­ni­za­tion? The list of ques­tions goes on, includ­ing ones delv­ing into Assange’s legal prob­lems. Thanks for @eacion for the heads up on this one…

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