The TravÂel Film Archive lets you “see the world the way it was.” FeaÂturÂing dozens of videos shot between 1900 and 1970, these short travÂelÂogues take you across the globe, to farflung places that many AmerÂiÂcans conÂsidÂered “exotÂic” at the time. Above, we have a 1940s clip that revisÂits the gloÂries of Ancient Greece, takÂing you through the ruins of Athens. But you will also find countÂless othÂer desÂtiÂnaÂtions — Asia (aka The Far East), India, Hawaii and the South Seas, the MidÂdle East, South AmerÂiÂca, and Egypt and North Africa. Paris, Venice, and a samÂpling of EuroÂpean locaÂtions get covÂerÂage too, as do the earÂly days of comÂmerÂcial air travÂel. You can dig through the full list right here. Thanks @KirstinButler
Oh my, this is the most wonÂderÂful thing I have seen in ages!
My famÂiÂly come from the area of the Bay of Naples near SorÂrenÂto and the ItalÂian films alone are fanÂtasÂtic.
Thank you so much for this, wonÂderÂful memÂoÂries.
you should take a look at james fitzÂpatrick travÂelouges.… much more enterÂtainÂing… but thrse are nice.. just a litÂtle dry.…