A Journey Back in Time: Vintage Travelogues

The Trav­el Film Archive lets you “see the world the way it was.” Fea­tur­ing dozens of videos shot between 1900 and 1970, these short trav­el­ogues take you across the globe, to farflung places that many Amer­i­cans con­sid­ered “exot­ic” at the time. Above, we have a 1940s clip that revis­its the glo­ries of Ancient Greece, tak­ing you through the ruins of Athens. But you will also find count­less oth­er des­ti­na­tions — Asia (aka The Far East), India, Hawaii and the South Seas, the Mid­dle East, South Amer­i­ca, and Egypt and North Africa. Paris, Venice, and a sam­pling of Euro­pean loca­tions get cov­er­age too, as do the ear­ly days of com­mer­cial air trav­el. You can dig through the full list right here. Thanks @KirstinButler

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  • Britalian says:

    Oh my, this is the most won­der­ful thing I have seen in ages!

    My fam­i­ly come from the area of the Bay of Naples near Sor­ren­to and the Ital­ian films alone are fan­tas­tic.

    Thank you so much for this, won­der­ful mem­o­ries.

  • patricis hunter says:

    you should take a look at james fitz­patrick trav­elouges.… much more enter­tain­ing… but thrse are nice.. just a lit­tle dry.…

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