Lawrence Krauss: Every Atom in Your Body Comes From a Star

Lawrence Maxwell Krauss, author of the best-sell­ing book The Physics of Star Trek, is a the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cist and Pro­fes­sor of Physics at Ari­zona State Uni­ver­si­ty. His research focus­es on the begin­ning and the end of the uni­verse.

This past Jan­u­ary, Krauss attend­ed the World Eco­nom­ic Forum in Davos and was asked by 99 Faces TV to talk about his work. In a rel­a­tive­ly short 381 sec­onds, he speaks about the scale of the uni­verse, the con­cept of dark ener­gy and explains how “you real­ly are star­dust.” That is to say, every lit­tle atom in your body comes from a super­no­va (or explod­ing star). Krauss elab­o­rates on this poet­ic thought in this 2009 video (def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend­ed), and he’ll have more to say in his new book, A Uni­verse from Noth­ing.

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By pro­fes­sion, Matthias Rasch­er teach­es Eng­lish and His­to­ry at a High School in north­ern Bavaria, Ger­many. In his free time he scours the web for good links and posts the best finds on Twit­ter.

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  • The guy is quot­ing the late great Carl Sagan

  • Mike says:

    …who, in turn, was quot­ing Fred Hoyle.

  • Carol Wright says:

    Loved his inter­view, he is so enthu­si­as­tic about his sub­ject its infec­tious

  • Joe Diamond says:

    Some still need…“earth to earth, ash­es to ash­es, dust to dust …in the sure and cer­tain hope of res­ur­rec­tion.” So why need­less­ly piss off these inter­est­ed ama­teurs with…” So, for­get Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today,”

    The physics and the mes­sage stands alone with­out need for cheap shots. Even the most recent pope apol­o­gized to  Galileo for the sun / earth thing. We can drop a myth and add sci­ence to pro­duce a mod­ern true myth with­out being mean to each oth­er.

    I’m pret­ty sure about that.


  • annehedonia says:

    …wrote a poem last Dec 31with this as the theme — here’s a link if any­one’s inter­est­ed. It’s on an Adam Lam­bert fan site — the singer who was run­ner-up on Amer­i­can Idol three years ago. Stranger con­nec­tions have been made!

  • Allen says:

    That was a great inter­view.

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