Lawrence Maxwell Krauss, author of the best-sellÂing book The Physics of Star Trek, is a theÂoÂretÂiÂcal physiÂcist and ProÂfesÂsor of Physics at AriÂzona State UniÂverÂsiÂty. His research focusÂes on the beginÂning and the end of the uniÂverse.
This past JanÂuÂary, Krauss attendÂed the World EcoÂnomÂic Forum in Davos and was asked by 99 Faces TV to talk about his work. In a relÂaÂtiveÂly short 381 secÂonds, he speaks about the scale of the uniÂverse, the conÂcept of dark enerÂgy and explains how “you realÂly are starÂdust.” That is to say, every litÂtle atom in your body comes from a superÂnoÂva (or explodÂing star). Krauss elabÂoÂrates on this poetÂic thought in this 2009 video (defÂiÂniteÂly recÂomÂmendÂed), and he’ll have more to say in his new book, A UniÂverse from NothÂing.
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By proÂfesÂsion, Matthias RaschÂer teachÂes EngÂlish and HisÂtoÂry at a High School in northÂern Bavaria, GerÂmany. In his free time he scours the web for good links and posts the best finds on TwitÂter.
The guy is quotÂing the late great Carl Sagan
…who, in turn, was quotÂing Fred Hoyle.
Loved his interÂview, he is so enthuÂsiÂasÂtic about his subÂject its infecÂtious
Some still need…“earth to earth, ashÂes to ashÂes, dust to dust …in the sure and cerÂtain hope of resÂurÂrecÂtion.” So why needÂlessÂly piss off these interÂestÂed amaÂteurs with…” So, forÂget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today,”
The physics and the mesÂsage stands alone withÂout need for cheap shots. Even the most recent pope apolÂoÂgized to Galileo for the sun / earth thing. We can drop a myth and add sciÂence to proÂduce a modÂern true myth withÂout being mean to each othÂer.
I’m pretÂty sure about that.
…wrote a poem last Dec 31with this as the theme — here’s a link if anyÂone’s interÂestÂed. It’s on an Adam LamÂbert fan site — the singer who was runÂner-up on AmerÂiÂcan Idol three years ago. Stranger conÂnecÂtions have been made!
That was a great interÂview.