Inside Job, Oscar-Winning Documentary, Now Online (Free)

In late Feb­ru­ary, Charles Fer­gu­son’s film – Inside Job – won the Acad­e­my Award for Best Doc­u­men­tary. And now the film doc­u­ment­ing the caus­es of the 2008 glob­al finan­cial melt­down has made its way online. A cor­rupt finan­cial indus­try, its cor­ro­sive rela­tion­ship with politi­cians, aca­d­e­mics and reg­u­la­tors, and the tril­lions of dam­age done, it all gets doc­u­ment­ed in this film that runs a lit­tle shy of 2 hours.

Inside Job can be pur­chased on DVD at Ama­zon. We all love free, but let’s remem­ber that good projects cost real mon­ey to devel­op, and they could use real finan­cial sup­port. So please con­sid­er buy­ing a copy.

Hope­ful­ly watch­ing or buy­ing this film won’t be a point­less act, even though it can right­ly feel that way. As Charles Fer­gu­son remind­ed us dur­ing his Oscar accep­tance speech, we are three years beyond the Wall Street cri­sis and tax­pay­ers (you) got fleeced for bil­lions. But still not one Wall Street exec is fac­ing crim­i­nal charges. Wel­come to your plu­toc­ra­cy…

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  • John says:

    “We all love free, but let’s remem­ber that good projects cost real mon­ey to devel­op, and they could use real finan­cial sup­port. So please con­sid­er buy­ing a copy”

    Very well said, putting in my favorite.

  • John says:

    “We all love free, but let’s remem­ber that good projects cost real mon­ey to devel­op, and they could use real finan­cial sup­port. So please con­sid­er buy­ing a copy”

    Very well said, putting in my favorite.

  • jdallcaps says:

    Very well done — its prob­a­bly the best hor­ror movie ever ;-) know­ing that these acts of decep­tion are pos­si­bly being com­mit­ted not by scary look­ing zom­bies or mon­sters but per­fect­ly respectable look­ing and sound­ing peo­ple who you meet, see, speak to. Acts that leave many of us pen­ni­less and them rich beyond dreams and beyond law. Thanks from bring­ing us the view from anoth­er per­spec­tive @jdallcaps

  • anon says:

    That link is bro­ken — seems it’s been moved here:

    At first I thought Dan was play­ing an April Fools joke. :)

  • Open Culture says:

    The link is now fixed. Thanks for the heads up. Why IA changed the link I have no idea.

  • Lrry Keho says:

    The banks were ordered by the pro­gres­sives in the con­gress and the Clin­ton Admin­is­tra­tion to write mort­gages to peo­ple who could­n’t afford them and who then bought them back through Fan­nie and Fred­die. The left­ys in the major banks were more than hap­py to do their per­ceived duty of redis­trib­ut­ing the wealth that they so “craven­ly” made in the 80’s, as long as the Feds would bail them out of things went bad. Some­thing the Feds had telegraphed they would do dur­ing their bailouts of Wall Street dur­ing the Mex­i­can and Asian cur­ren­cy crises.

    Your should read Archi­tects of Ruin by Peter Schweiz­er. It lays out exact­ly who and how they are to blame.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, and there was no such thing as the utter­ly unreg­u­lat­ed, risk-soaked shad­ow bank­ing sys­tem; and there were no banks and shills for banks lob­by­ing for the elim­i­na­tion of all enforce­ment of under­writ­ing stan­dards; and there were no such things as liars’ loans; and there was no Ayn Rand acolyte at the Fed­er­al Reserve, wor­shiped by the right-wing busi­ness media, argu­ing that sys­temic risk was an impos­si­bil­i­ty in the won­der­land of dereg­u­lat­ed finan­cial mar­kets. Rather, there were just bad, black peo­ple and their lib­er­al enablers, ruinin’ our ‘Meri­ka.

      The life of a real ‘Merikan is sim­ple, warm, uncom­pli­cat­ed — like liv­ing in the womb. Gub­mit bad. Mama good. Lib­er­al bad. Mama good. Derp! Derp!

      • NewbieJames says:

        Ayn Rand acolyte at the Fed­er­al Reserve. ROFLMAO. Rand was one of the biggest oppo­nents of the Fed. Yes, Greenspan start­ed out as a gold bug Ran­dite, but he jumped ship. I ask again, where did the bankers get the Tril­lions to place these bets? From the Fed.

        • Anonymous says:

          Oh good­ie. The chance to trade insults with a Ran­doid troll. Naive as I am, it amazes me that such peo­ple exist, name­ly peo­ple who hon­est­ly think that Ayn Rand is not a sub-Niet­zschean hack, and peo­ple who think that unlim­it­ed gold con­tro­vert­ibil­i­ty for mod­ern major cur­ren­cies is both fea­si­ble and a good idea. But as amaz­ing as that may be, I must bow out, see­ing as to how I’ve got a real life to lead and all. So, I’ll allow the last word to those who wile away their days in prayer­ful expec­ta­tion of the Sec­ond (or is it First?) com­ing of John Galt. Of course, Greenspan was one, and indeed a per­son­al bud­dy of the Pythoness of the True Faith her­self, but no mat­ter: when sight of the obvi­ous in the full­ness of day­light betrays the true faith, then blind­eth thine eyes, lest ye behold an abom­i­na­tion (i.e., the real world). So your boy was all gang-busters anti-reg­u­la­tion, to the point of slim­ing Brook­sley Born for try­ing to reg­u­late deriv­a­tives. A real Chris­t­ian Sol­dier. No mat­ter: he was­n’t real­ly our boy. Rather, he was lapsed, a ser­pent in the gar­den, thus Man’s fall from the True Path. Now, you may be inter­est­ed in hear­ing that For­mer Chair­man Greenspan has recent­ly pulled a mul­li­gan regard­ing his for­mer mis­giv­ings, so that his “I reck­on we was wrong” is now “I reck­on we was right after all”: . Of course, as a Lib­er­t­er­ian, mean­ing some­one hav­ing a brain her­met­i­cal­ly closed to any out­side influ­ences out­side of hack pop-Niet­zschean writ­ers and crack-pot Aus­tri­an gold-bug­gery, you prob­a­bly don’t care. All you need to know is found in the Cat­e­chism of the Faith­ful: Gub­mit bad, Mama good. Derp! Derp!

        • Anonymous says:

          Oh good­ie. The chance to trade insults with a Ran­doid troll. Naive as I am, it amazes me that such peo­ple exist, name­ly peo­ple who hon­est­ly think that Ayn Rand is not a sub-Niet­zschean hack, and peo­ple who think that unlim­it­ed gold con­tro­vert­ibil­i­ty for mod­ern major cur­ren­cies is both fea­si­ble and a good idea. But as amaz­ing as that may be, I must bow out, see­ing as to how I’ve got a real life to lead and all. So, I’ll allow the last word to those who wile away their days in prayer­ful expec­ta­tion of the Sec­ond (or is it First?) com­ing of John Galt. Of course, Greenspan was one, and indeed a per­son­al bud­dy of the Pythoness of the True Faith her­self, but no mat­ter: when sight of the obvi­ous in the full­ness of day­light betrays the true faith, then blind­eth thine eyes, lest ye behold an abom­i­na­tion (i.e., the real world). So your boy was all gang-busters anti-reg­u­la­tion, to the point of slim­ing Brook­sley Born for try­ing to reg­u­late deriv­a­tives. A real Chris­t­ian Sol­dier. No mat­ter: he was­n’t real­ly our boy. Rather, he was lapsed, a ser­pent in the gar­den, thus Man’s fall from the True Path. Now, you may be inter­est­ed in hear­ing that For­mer Chair­man Greenspan has recent­ly pulled a mul­li­gan regard­ing his for­mer mis­giv­ings, so that his “I reck­on we was wrong” is now “I reck­on we was right after all”: . Of course, as a Lib­er­t­er­ian, mean­ing some­one hav­ing a brain her­met­i­cal­ly closed to any out­side influ­ences out­side of hack pop-Niet­zschean writ­ers and crack-pot Aus­tri­an gold-bug­gery, you prob­a­bly don’t care. All you need to know is found in the Cat­e­chism of the Faith­ful: Gub­mit bad, Mama good. Derp! Derp!

    • Mike says:

      It’s pret­ty obvi­ous you did­n’t watch the film, Lar­ry. Or else how would you account for the scene in which that famous lefty, George W. Bush, speaks glow­ing­ly about how low-income peo­ple in Amer­i­ca can own their own homes? Thank you for the read­ing sug­ges­tion. If you ever have the time, I rec­om­mend you watch a film called “Inside Job.”

      • NewbieJames says:

        Bush used the gov­ern­ment to bail out the banks. He bragged about aban­don­ing the free mar­ket to save the free mar­ket. What he meant to say was that he was aban­don­ing the free mar­ket to save the banks, because the free mar­ket was busy bank­rupt­ing them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Fan­ny and Fred­dy were late to the game, but of course such facts are very incon­ve­nient to the his­tor­i­cal fan­tasies you and oth­ers of your ilk require to main­tain your illu­sions of con­ser­v­a­tive grandeur. Coun­try­wide orig­i­nat­ed many, many, many more sub­prime mort­gages. F and F came late, engaged in the same poor lend­ing prac­tices oth­ers had per­fect­ed, but on a much small­er scale. F and F did­n’t engage in the buy­ing and sell­ing of the tox­ic CDO’s if I recall cor­rect­ly, and it is the pres­ence and scale in those tox­ic assets that has poi­soned the glob­al sys­tem to this day. They were the brain­child of pri­vate investors and man­agers, not the likes of F and F.

      • NewbieJames says:

        So why again are the tax­pay­ers already out $300 BILLION in bail­ing them out and why are pro­ject­ed loss­es for FNM and FRE $1 Tril­lion? And why were Repub­li­cans grilling Raines in 2005, with Bar­ney pro­tect­ing him?

    • Freethinking says:

      I love post like this. It shows how utter­ly clue­less and brain­less peo­ple can be. 2 points
      1. Can you find the ” orders” and show the rest of us
      2. Three years in the cri­sis, can you point out how the repub­li­cans come up with any bills to reg­u­late the banks??

      • NewbieJames says:

        Ron Paul took the lead in the End the Fed cam­paign, which address­es the hip­po in the bath­tub this film ignored.

      • Anonymous says:

        This sort of think­ing also ignores com­plete­ly the fact that the hous­ing bub­ble extend­ed to Europe and THAT had absolute­ly noth­ing to do with par­ti­san pol­i­tics in the US. For them, though, it is all pol­i­tics, all the time and it is always the democ­rats fault… If Inside Job shows any­thing, it is the very non-par­ti­san nature of account­abil­i­ty with regard to the crooks that made off with the loot. Call­ing up Ron Paul or his son Rand as pre­scient truth tellers is a crock as well.

  • The glob­al eco­nom­ic cri­sis is not past tense.

    It has much fur­ther to go and the March 2009 lows will be breached.

    Please be care­ful folks.

  • Motorhead says:

    Sor­ry, it’s dif­fi­cult for me to believe any­thing nar­rat­ed by Matt Damon. Stopped watch­ing after a few min­utes. Call me what you want but Matt Damon is an uber-Left­ist hyp­ocrite of the worst kind. He would­n’t sign on to a movie like this unless it served some kind of polit­i­cal gain that he agreed with. I’m not excus­ing the Bush Admin­is­tra­tion, but I’d like to see a movie encom­pass­ing the 28 months of the Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion that has brought us record deficits, record unem­ploy­ment, longest job­less stretch since the 1930’s, record bank fail­ures, record fore­clo­sures, record trade deficits, record pover­ty rate, fail­ing dol­lar, nation­al pover­ty at record high­est lev­el, for­eign pol­i­cy dis­as­ters, record num­ber of golf games played by a pres­i­dent, record death toll in Afghanistan, record num­ber of food stamp recip­i­ents, con­sumer con­fi­dence at record lows, home val­ues have fall­en to Depres­sion lev­els, record num­ber of days spent abroad by a US Pres­i­dent, record cost of liv­ing expense, over half the states suing to stop Oba­macare, auto bailout mon­ey being used to build a plant in Mex­i­co, War #3, trips to Brazil to award Soros-dom­i­nat­ed Petrobas an oil rig con­tract so they can drill in the gulf and sell it to us and gas/food/clothing prices sky­rock­et­ing. That’s just for starters. I’ve got a lot more.

    • favel says:

      I’m not by any chance try­ing to say Oba­ma is effi­cient, but of course, Oba­ma inher­it­ed the hot mess that Clin­ton was about to leave Bush, and that bub­ble that Bush cre­at­ed and let grow into a huge burst. Many right wing pre­cepts, are plain ide­ol­o­gy with no eco­nom­ics. It’s like a hot pota­to that end­ed up burst­ing in Oba­ma’s hands. Also con­sid­er that many strate­gic indus­tries in USA and abroad are high­ly depen­dent on record high glob­al oil pro­duc­tion, that were kept arti­fi­cial­ly low, as low as they will be for decades. Amer­i­cans do need to under­stand that the aver­age Amer­i­can Home is 3 to 6 times big­ger than Euro­pean or Japan­ese homes. Most Japan­ese do not use cen­tral heat­ing, and most euro­pean homes were designed sev­er­al decades before mod­ern cen­tral heat­ing was invent­ed, Amer­i­ca is just suf­fer­ing from the con­se­cuences of eco­nom­ic, eco­log­ic, and urban­is­tic night­mares they inher­it­ed from the ear­ly 50’s, that worked through the era of cheap oil, but won’t do nowa­days.

    • Mike says:

      So, Motor­head, you admit you did­n’t actu­al­ly watch the film but you have a strong opin­ion about it?

      I can imag­ine your posi­tion on glob­al warm­ing: “Sor­ry, I haven’t read any of the data that has been com­piled by thou­sands of sci­en­tists world­wide. Call me what you want, but that Al Gore fel­low is an uber-Left­ist hyp­ocrite of the worst kind…”

    • Anonymous says:

      Per­haps you should motor on over to some web­sites that will edu­cate you as to what the actu­al fed­er­al spend­ing num­bers — the facts, as they say — reveal. Spend­ing by the Bush crim­i­nal clan of tor­tures and extor­tion­ists set in fact RECORD DEFICITS. In fact, the eco­nom­ic melt­down that “has brought us record deficits, record unem­ploy­ment, longest job­less stretch since the 1930’s, record bank fail­ures, record fore­clo­sures, record trade deficits, record pover­ty rate, fail­ing dol­lar, nation­al pover­ty at record high­est lev­el” ALL start­ed under the Bush regime.

      THAT much well doc­u­ment­ed his­to­ry should be com­pre­hen­si­ble even to a motor­head. Though, maybe not.

    • Bob says:

      Ha ha, bril­liant. Motor head, that is eas­i­ly the most clue­less com­ment I’ve ever seen on the cur­rent state of affairs. Bra­vo. It would take thou­sands of words to explain all that you have got hope­less­ly wrong. But, yes, Matt Damon did nar­rate.

    • Bob says:

      Ha ha, bril­liant. Motor head, that is eas­i­ly the most clue­less com­ment I’ve ever seen on the cur­rent state of affairs. Bra­vo. It would take thou­sands of words to explain all that you have got hope­less­ly wrong. But, yes, Matt Damon did nar­rate.

    • Mark Bowen says:

      Motor­head, I’m with you 100% except for the fact that where we find our­selves cur­rent­ly is beyond polit­i­cal ide­olo­gies. If you’d asked me just the oth­er day if I agreed with Michael Moore on any­thing, I would have said no. How­ev­er, I now know that when he says that 90% of this coun­try’s wealth is cur­rent­ly con­trolled by the 1% at the top, he’s actu­al­ly talk­ing about the crim­i­nals on Wall Street who’ve obtained their wealth through fraud, polit­i­cal cor­rup­tion on both sides of the aisle, and intim­i­da­tion.
      Matt Damon is an enter­tain­ing actor, but he and I have noth­ing in com­mon socio-polit­i­cal­ly. There are things that I semi-dis­agree with in this movie/documentary; for exam­ple, the abil­i­ty of Wall Street to do what they did we must all admit real­ly start­ed with the Fed­er­al Reserve Act of 1913, cre­at­ed by a Demo­c­ra­t­i­cal­ly con­trolled Con­gress, and signed into Law by Woodrow Wil­son, a Demo­c­rat. We must also admit to the role that the Carter Admin­is­tra­tion played with his sign­ing into Law the Hous­ing and Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment Act of 1977, them move on the Clin­ton. In 1999 the Con­gress enact­ed and Pres­i­dent Clin­ton signed into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the “Finan­cial Ser­vices Mod­ern­iza­tion Act”. This law repealed the part of the Glass–Steagall Act that had pro­hib­it­ed a bank from offer­ing a full range of invest­ment, com­mer­cial bank­ing, and insur­ance ser­vices since its enact­ment in 1933.
      It’s true that many Repub­li­cans are guilty of either com­plic­i­ty or com­pla­cen­cy, and many more guilty of corrab­o­ra­tion in all of the known frauds, but this doc­u­men­tary makes it seem as though it all start­ed and end­ed with Repub­li­cans, when this is sim­ply not true. Although there are a great many facts that are miss­ing, and there is a clear polit­i­cal ide­ol­o­gy seen through­out the film, I would still encour­age you and every­one you know to watch it because what you will learn should force you to do your own research, and it may help you to under­stand that not all things are polit­i­cal in nature.

      • JLAS says:

        Thank you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Man, which is it? First you say “polit­i­cal cor­rup­tion on both sides of the aisle,” then you say it was the democ­rats, then you say it was also the repub­li­cans, and then the film blames it all on the repub­li­cans.… Yeah, there is a clear polit­i­cal ide­ol­o­gy that runs through the film… it is the one that describes the spec­tac­u­lar fail­ure of dereg­u­la­tion and the fail­ure to con­tin­ue Glass-Stea­gal pro­tec­tions that allowed the wild­ly desta­bi­liz­ing effects of the crossover between com­mer­cial and invest­ment bank­ing and the wild west unreg­u­lat­ed shad­ow bank­ing indus­try.

        What hap­pened is hard­ly par­ti­san. The cri­sis unfold­ed as a result of the greed of high­ly moti­vat­ed finan­cial risk tak­ers, with­out regard for their polit­i­cal alle­giances and the movie cer­tain­ly did por­tray it as such. You are pro­ject­ing your own polit­i­cal bias on it, imho.

    • Telder4 says:

      what a com­plete moron

    • Days of Broken Arrows says:

      It’s a shame you did­n’t make it to the end of the film, where they fin­gered vir­tu­al­ly every mem­ber of the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion as hav­ing been archi­tects of the eco­nom­ic cri­sis — then spoke of how Oba­ma him­self has done noth­ing. This is in addi­tion to show­ing his crony­ism with peo­ple like Lar­ry Sum­mers, et. al.

      It’s also a shame you’re too blind to see what this film is say­ing in the larg­er sense. The very fact that Damon is a lib­er­al yet he was will­ing to take on Oba­ma and his cronies in a major film says some­thing.

    • Days of Broken Arrows says:

      One more thing:

      “…but I’d like to see a movie encom­pass­ing the 28 months of the Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion that has brought us record deficits, record unem­ploy­ment, longest job­less stretch since the 1930’s, record bank fail­ures, record fore­clo­sures, record trade deficits, record pover­ty rate, fail­ing dol­lar, nation­al pover­ty at record high­est lev­el..”

      The film does do this at about the 3/4 point. All of this is addressed — and it not only fin­gers Oba­ma and his ilk, but Clin­ton as well. It bog­gles my mind you’ve crit­i­cized this film with­out watch­ing — and that peo­ple “like” your com­ment for just that. You’ve played into the hands of the pho­ny left-right set-up that keeps the 1 per­cent elite in charge and every­one else divid­ed, root­ing for pho­ny foot­ball teams.

      Final­ly, I want to men­tion that I don’t think it’s a coin­ci­dence this film was pulled offline right as Oba­ma announced his bid for re-elec­tion.

    • Wayne says:

      While your facts here appear true on the sur­face, what you are not under­stand­ing is that Bush was the dri­ver of the bus. He was speed­ing and dri­ving, maybe while intox­i­cat­ed. He wrecked caus­ing record impend­ing finan­cial dam­age. Oba­ma walked in just as the ambu­lance arrived at the scene. Bush got to leave the scene. Just because Oba­ma walked in does not mean that he is the one who wrecked the bus…

    • Chris_cline99 says:

      Writ­ten like a true “motorhead”…watch the doc­u­men­tary before you spout off about some­thing you know noth­ing about. It doess­n’t mat­ter who nar­rates as long as it is backed up with fac­tu­al evidence…and it is! There is no ques­tion that Oba­ma’s per­for­mance has been poor, but he inher­it­ed this crap that had been build­ing for almost a decade. Go back to sleep…“motorhead”…

    • Murphyp5500 says:

      All these prob­lems with our econ­o­my aren’t Oba­ma’s fault, he’s just not doing any­thing about it. most of these issues began a long time ago with the reestab­lish­ment of a fed­er­al bank, loan­ing mon­ey to the gov­ern­ment AT INTEREST. thats what caus­es debt to climb. the fed­er­al bank prints out $1 and loans it to the gov­ern­ment to be spent into dis­tri­b­u­tion. at the end of the fis­cal year, the fed­er­al bank has col­lect­ed the $1 dol­lar that it loaned out BUT the gov­ern­ment still owes inter­est. the gov­ern­ment bor­rows $2 AT INTEREST to spend into cir­cu­la­tion and cov­er the debt and at the end of the next fis­cal year, the fed­er­al bank col­lects $2 but the gov­ern­ment still owes inter­est. con­tin­ue this cycle and but on a mas­sive scale and throw in cor­rup­tion and some lob­by­ing Israelis and you start to get all these records you’re describ­ing above. Please check out and learn some truths. its good for you

  • L(0)7 says:

    ”Good enough” would be a responce from any­one that has watched all of this take place from the back of this train wreck but, I was on the first car that left the track …so, this film ”scratch­es the sur­face” of a baby brain, it does not account for geo-polit­cal ”game the­o­ry” from the likes of the Lar­ry Sum­mers nigh at the Bernanke, roths child dis­count win­dow.
    You know …that win­dow of ”temp­ta­tion” and the para­ble root­ed in the prophet­ic strong delu­sion by which the grand chess­board archi­tec­ture declares the false claim of domin­ion, pro­duc­ing the trum­pet sound emmi­nat­ing from U.N. Z Big New World Order Moron pro­claimn­ing ”moral haz­ard” at the dri­ve through for fast food.

    The rev­e­la­tion of the unbe­com­ing host, marked sealed and hav­ing fall­en for short term gain, is the open door for the pain of death …fall­en first upon the lamb.
    One need only hear the want in the bel­ly of the beast …after it’s teeth find no meat left in the field to sus­tain the silence.
    There are no leaves to heal such a cursed tree, the wind cries for beef chow mein from all it’s fruit­less branch­es.
    Q War­ren Zevon: Were­wolves of Lon­don

  • Acmodspeialists says:

    Motor­head, you are lost cause, BTW are a banker?

  • Acmodspecialists says:

    Motor­head, I also think you need to get edu­cat­ed and inform (i did­n’t want­ed to say you r igno­rant) so i will rec­om­mend you some books, after you read at least one, then you can com­ment at the same lev­el
    Books: 13 Bankers, All The Dev­ils Are Here, The Great Amer­i­can Stick Up, The Big Short, theres many more excel­lent books that doc­u­ment­ed the bigest PONZI SCHEME ever per­pe­trat­ed to the Amer­i­can Peo­ple but these will do for now

  • Acmodspecialists says:

    Motor­head, I also think you need to get edu­cat­ed and inform (i did­n’t want­ed to say you r igno­rant) so i will rec­om­mend you some books, after you read at least one, then you can com­ment at the same lev­el
    Books: 13 Bankers, All The Dev­ils Are Here, The Great Amer­i­can Stick Up, The Big Short, theres many more excel­lent books that doc­u­ment­ed the bigest PONZI SCHEME ever per­pe­trat­ed to the Amer­i­can Peo­ple but these will do for now

  • Jorge Matsufuji says:

    Hi, where I can find legal infor­ma­tion that inside job movie is real­ly is Cre­ative Com­mons CC0 1.0 Uni­ver­sal (CC0 1.0) Pub­lic Domain Ded­i­ca­tion as inter­net archive says. I just saw the movie and went to ama­zon to pur­chase it. Its triple AAA, just my opin­ion. ;-) But real­ly I can belive, Sony is let­ting the movie been see or down­loaded for free on the inter­net. Thanks.

  • Jorge Matsufuji says:

    Hi, where I can find legal infor­ma­tion that inside job movie is real­ly is Cre­ative Com­mons CC0 1.0 Uni­ver­sal (CC0 1.0) Pub­lic Domain Ded­i­ca­tion as inter­net archive says. I just saw the movie and went to ama­zon to pur­chase it. Its triple AAA, just my opin­ion. ;-) But real­ly I can belive, Sony is let­ting the movie been see or down­loaded for free on the inter­net. Thanks.

  • NewbieJames says:

    What is pre­sent­ed is good, and I sup­port this film, except three prob­lems. Soros, Bar­ney Frank, and Dominique Strauss-Kahn(IMF) are part of the crooks. Give me a break.

    Also, impor­tant facts were omit­ted. The most glar­ing omis­sion was that Peter Schiff, who far and away was the lead expert on the com­ing col­lapse, and sound­ed the loud­est warn­ing, was not inter­viewed, because he pre­dict­ed the col­lapse on prob­lems with the gov­ern­ment, specif­i­cal­ly the Fed­er­al Reserve. You heard in the film the 30:1 lever­age. The Tril­lions that were flow­ing. Ask your­self: WHERE DID THE MONEY COME FROM? Peter Schiff would tell you. Frac­tion­al Reserve lend­ing and fiat cur­ren­cy. Also, nowhere do you learn that Fan­nie and Fred­die, which were more than half the prob­lem (1 Tril­lion in loss­es) are qua­si-gov­ern­ment orga­ni­za­tions pres­sured by Bar­ney Frank to back sub prime loans. Peter Schiff would tell you. So these GLARING OMISSIONS are extreme­ly dis­hon­est. By the way, Frank Raines and Jamie Gor­lick of Fan­nie made $52 mil­lion and $25 mil­lion while they destroyed the econ­o­my. They are high rollers with Clin­ton and Oba­ma and Bar­ney Frank.

    So I sup­port the doc­u­men­ta­tion of the FRAUD and the piss poor account­ing stan­dards. And many of these bankers should be jailed and their bonus­es clawed back. But the hip­po in the bath tub is the gov­ern­ment, espe­cial­ly fiat mon­ey, and this was not addressed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your Ron and Rand Pau­lian, anti-Fed, fiat mon­ey con­spir­a­cy is a non-starter. You are under­min­ing the full faith and cred­it of the US Gov­ern­ment with such BS. Yes, we have a fiat cur­ren­cy. So what. The gov­ern­ment accepts it in lieu of tax­es, giv­ing it val­ue. Your con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries under­mine the gov­ern­ment. Just how patri­ot­ic is that? How cred­i­ble is that?

      • Haywood says:

        spo­ken like a gov­ern­ment troll. no wor­ries, your time will come.…

      • Gargoyle says:

        have you read your con­sti­tu­tion late­ly, patri­ot? it says that the govt shall be in charge of mon­ey cre­ation and that it shall be linked to gold.

  • Englishvinal says:

    Has it pos­si­bly occured to you “Walk­ers” who are “doing your govt. assigned jobs and ARGUING back and forth about “Bush the smirk­ing inter­na­tion­al crim­i­nal vs. Bar­ry Soe­toro the Com­mu­nist dirty-leg fraud… and one being worse/better than the oth­er.…
    ..Take it back as far as you want… back to 1913 when the trai­tor whores in con­gress “vot­ed” in the mid­dle of the night to hand the con­trol of the cur­ren­cy of the unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca over to a PRIVATE for­eign bank­ing orga­ni­za­tion labeled “The Fed­er­al Reserve”.… ALL politi­cos are sell­ing the peo­ple of this coun­try down the riv­er to eter­nal slav­ery while they drink the finest wines and eat cavier.….
    They are shoul­der­ing each oth­er, both repub­li­cans and democ­rates out of the way to get a bet­ter posi­tion at the ever-filled PIG trough in Wash­ing­ton to suck up more of the “tax­pay­ers” blood and bones.
    Wake up peo­ple.…. there is NO dif­fer­ence. Either end of a vile dis­eased turd still stinks.…

  • the3dolla says:

    New­bie­James, good info.

    That’s what I’m think­ing. For the last 10 years, find all the CEO’s and Exec­u­tives who know­ing­ly cre­at­ed this mess and take ALL of their mon­ey and jail them.

  • the3dolla says:

    For­got about some­thing that’s been eat­ing at me.

    They always say, “Yes, the bonus’ are war­rant­ed for the work they do; it’s hard work, they are valu­able to the com­pa­ny, blah blah” What do they mean? Give a $100mil bonus for dri­ving a com­pa­ny into the ground. Like they said, incen­tives to sell risky stuff, but noth­ing bad hap­pens when you lose any­thing and every­thing.

  • D G Bokare says:

    Econ­o­mist Paul Samuel­son has right­ly said that “most of the econ­o­mists in the USA are ybder oblig­a­tions of their pay mas­ters for their stud­ies, research and jobs.How could the peo­ple expect them to be hon­est in assess­ing and telling the truth? What is shown here is the result of that dis­hon­esty of the econ­o­mists whether in aca­d­e­m­ic or finan­cial ser­vices sec­tors.

  • folkhero says:

    This was very good, but not as infor­ma­tive as the front­line doc­u­men­taries “The Warn­ing”, “Inside the Melt­down”, and “Break­ing the Bank.” Togeth­er, the give a com­pre­hen­sive and more objec­tive analy­sis of the bank­ing cri­sis.

  • Rich says:

    I won­der what type of pres­sure was used to take the movie offline..before you vote in next must watch!

  • Harry Shearer says:

    Par­don me for inter­rupt­ing the ide­o­log­i­cal fra­cas, but the film com­mits a strik­ing fac­tu­al error when the nar­ra­tion asserts, over exte­ri­or shots of Chi­na and Sin­ga­pore, that the finan­cial-eco­nom­ic cri­sis was glob­al, imply­ing that no nations were exempt. Tell that to the Aus­tralians, whose resource-based econ­o­my avoid­ed all but a very gen­tle down­turn.

  • Judy Kratochvil says:

    I can’t get it to work. I would like to share this link with friends. I have already seen the movie twice and own the DVD.

  • Judy Kratochvil says:

    It is not in the Inter­net Archive either. When you click the link referred to in the post you get the fol­low­ing mes­sage:

    The item is not avail­able due to issues with the item’s con­tent.

  • The sad truth is our cor­rupt gov­ern­ment gov­ern­ment is just one of many in the world. The inter­na­tion­al bankers who con­trol both major polit­i­cal par­ties in this coun­try also con­trol Brit­ten, Ger­many, France, Italy, Aus­tralia, Cana­da, Mex­i­co, and most of the rest of the world.
    If you look at the Kennedy Coup, John­son’s war on pover­ty, Viet­nam, “Gulf of Tonkin Lie” Nixon goes to Chi­na as Kissinger goes to the mid­dle east and forms “OPEC”, Clin­ton’s all out push to get “NAFTA” passed, the stag­ing of 9/11 and sub­se­quent wars. you can see that they have been try­ing “bust” Amer­i­ca for a long time.
    Unwill­ing to re inves­ti­gate 9/11/2001, that should not, and could not have hap­pened with­out assis­tance from with­in our gov­ern­ment shows that it was staged for us to get involved it two wars based on lies.
    Oba­ma for the most part, is a pup­pet of the peo­ple who con­trol Wall St and the Mega Banks. So don’t expect much from him.
    They want to bank­rupt the US gov­ern­ment and intro­duce the new cur­ren­cy the “AMERO”. Signed into law by George Bush it joins the cur­ren­cy of the USA, Canada,Mexico into a com­mon denom­i­na­tion. But they have to make things so bad that the Amer­i­can peo­ple demand a change.
    Sup­port Ron and Rand Paul and oth­er like mind­ed sup­port­ers of our con­sti­tu­tion in our leg­isla­tive hous­es, and turn the rest of the bought off scum out on elec­tion day.

  • Canoeocean says:

    every­one is enti­tled to their own opin­ions, includ­ing motor­head, but no one is enti­tled to their own facts.

  • Canoeocean says:

    every­one is enti­tled to their own opin­ions, includ­ing motor­head, but no one is enti­tled to their own facts.

  • Isaac says:

    The movie does not work :(

  • JD says:

    Link def­i­nite­ly does not work. Find­ing a legit­i­mate down­load of this movie online is impos­si­ble to find. Can’t say I’m sur­prised…

  • Lipo says:

    So you wan­na believed that although things hap­pened due to reestab­lish­ment of banks. But i don’t think so. Because if we pipe into more this matter,then we will see cause of our can­cer­ous gov­ern­ment which are also respon­si­ble. Because we paid high­er rate of tax and where these mon­ey gone..!! Have you thought about it??

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